Sri Lanka refugees happy to be free

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-29 11:10:39 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Sri Lanka refugees happy to be free ,<a href=""><a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, '%CD%F8%D5%BE%D3%C5%BB%AF');" target="_self"><u><strong>网站优化</strong></u></a></a>Sri Lanka refugees happy to be freeSri Lanka has opened up the vast refugee camps #xwhich have beenElectronic whiteboardholding tens of thousands of Tamils since the end of the war with Tamil Tiger rebels. BBC Tamil's Ponniah Manikavasagam in Vavuniya has met refugees allowed out of the camps and those who have been permanently resettled.

I was not able to go inside but I could speak to the people who were leaving the camps. They were coming out in large numbers.

They told me that they were allowed to leave the camp for up to 15 days.

The authorities gave them a letter authorising their exit and stating that they had freedom of movement - but stipulating that they had to return on a pre-arranged day.

The refugees were just standing about and waiting on the main roadElectronic whiteboardfor public buses to take them to their destinations.

"All these days we were inside the camp and couldn't come outside. It is thrilling to see so many people outside and the vehicles on the road," said Subramaniam Surenthiran.

People said there were many things they wanted to do - visit their relatives, go to the town to buy things and to conduct banking business.

"We are going to Vavuniya to buy some things for my house and new clothes for my son for his birthday," said Jeyakumar Subothini.

"They have allowed us five days and said that we could even go to the capital, Colombo. They gave us a form. to make an application to leave the camp. We have an identity card given by the army. I am very happy to leave the camp," he said.

Some told me they were going to see their husbands or sons or daughters who had been detained for being a rebel, for supporting theElectronic whiteboardLiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam #x(LTTE) or working for them.

TAG: 网站优化





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