How are farmers coping with the snow?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-23 12:51:06 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

How are farmers coping with the snow?How are farmers coping with the snow?Farmers are facing big bills as they struggle to #xdeal withNFL Jerseysthe heavy snowfall, with shed roofs collapsing, drinking water freezing and crops unable to be harvested.

Farm owner Malcolm Hay,网站优化, of Edinglassie farm, near Huntly, Aberdeenshire, said the weather has wreaked havoc on his farm.

He thinks the cost of the cold weather will run "well into six figures" after one of his sheds, which housed about 400 cattle, collapsed under the weight of the snow.

The 53-year-old said two people were in the building at the time and escaped "relatively unscathed", but about a half a dozen cows were not so lucky and got buried under "about 5ft of snow and rubble".

"The sheds are so big, about half an acre long, theyNFL Jerseysare badly buckled, it's dangerous, impossible with a man and spade," he said.

Another farm manager, Andrew Hall, 27, from Melrose in the Scottish borders, lost 40 sheep after a shed roof collapsed.

He said getting fodder to lambs in the fields was a "nightmare" too.

"The quad bikes and Land Rovers can't get anywhere in a foot and a half of snow. My dogs can't work out there, the sheep can barely walk, so thousands of ewes are solely reliant upon me," he said.

But he said farmers "soldier on, regardless".

He estimates the total damage caused by the snow to reach between £50,000 and £70,000 - and is worried about insurance.

Both the National Beef Association and National Farmers' Union Scotland have asked for the Scottish Government to help rebuild steadings, which in some cases are not covered.

The NFUS said farmers were also suffering #xfrom a shortage ofNFL Jerseysfuel.

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