You wanna garden indoor?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-31 11:11:26 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

You wanna garden indoor?You wanna garden indoor?Really, all you need for an herb garden is a cool place with access to lots of natural sunlight (yes, a kitchen windowsill fits the bill) and a few smallGrow lightsthat could hold several plants.

First, place a layer of small stones and bark chips at the bottom of your herb container,托盘; fill the container with soil.

If planting seeds or small bulbs, bury them under the soil surface an inch apart across the entire surface. Nursery-bought or transplant herbs that have already begun to grow can be planted one of two ways; you can remove herbs from their containers and place them in holes dug into the potting soil, or you can plant the herbs and their containers in the potting soil. The latter method will contain root systems making growing and transplanting multiple herbs in one pot a cinch.

Herbs can grow in one pot for a season; when roots start to burst out of theGrow lights, you need to transplant them to a larger area using the same planting method described here.

Small containers. Six-inch pots are a good standard herb pot; you can plant multiple seeds or small bulbs one inch apart in them.

Small stones or bark chips. Layered at the bottom of containers, stones and bark chips allow proper aeration.

Good soil. A good quality, loose soil should contain all the nutrients your herbs will need.

Ventilation. Air flow will enhance the growth of your herbs, so place a small, oscillating fan nearby to foster the distribution of air particles and humidity.

Herb seeds or small bulbs. Many herbs are grown from seeds or small bulbs. You can also transplant outdoor herbs to indoor pots.

Light. Herbs require 10 to 12 hours of sunlight#x a day to really flourish. If your herbs are floundering, you may need to purchase small, supplementalGrow lights.

TAG: grow lights 托盘

引用 删除 azjsmv   /   2010-04-24 16:45:53
C1pKrH  <a href="">ajdzmdkzojul</a>, [url=]lnzfcgbvllcx[/url], [link=]ysqgzlhdhyec[/link],




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