Arathi Basin Battleground Guide - cheap wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-30 13:34:18 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Each team begins with zero resources and work towards gaining  1,600 (prior to Patch 3.2 2,000 resources were needed) before the other team to win. To gain these resources your team will need to capture the resource nodes located in Arathi Basin. There are five resource nodes (Lumber Mill, Stables, Mine, Blacksmith, and Farm), and when captured these nodes each provide resources every few seconds. The more nodes you control, the faster your team will gain resources, leading to quicker wins. To capture these nodes, simply activate cheap wow gold the flag located at one of the above five locations. The flags have activation times of eight seconds (down from 10 seconds as of Patch 3.2), but beware as any damage done to the person activating the flag will interrupt the cast, and you will have to click the flag again and start the timer over. Any player standing at a node that they control will gain the Honorable Defender buff, which will grant them +50% honor from each kill.

All nodes start out in a neutral state, with no owners. After the flag at a node has been capped it will officially belong to the team that managed to successfully cap the flag. Anyone who seeks to assault the location will have to activate the  flag which will throw the node into a conflict status (much like the neutral state the nodes start in). The team that originally held the node has exactly one minute to reclaim the node before it’s ownership is transferred to the other team. If a node is reclaimed by the originall team while it’s in conflict, ,cheap dvds; that team will instantly gain back control of the node. A node in conflict will provide no resources to either team, and players will no longer be able to rez at that node’s graveyard.

Single groups of five, and premade raids of 15 may enter Arathi Basin allowing players to team up with their friends for more coordinated battles. Check out our Communication  is Key section for more information on groups.

Honor, Reputation, and Marks of Honor
During the course of the match you will notice that you and your team will be gaining honor, reputation, and at the end of the match Marks of Honor. Most players strive to increase these gains, so here are some ways to do just that:

You can gain extra honor by meeting these goals:

Collecting multiples of 260 resources

Winning the match

Honor gained will scale depending on your level, at higher levels you will gain noticeably less honor.. Some scored events do not grant honorcheap wow gold such as: killing blows, capturing a node, assaulting a node, or defending a node, however honor is awarded for honorable kills. For even more honor goodness keep an eye out for the Arathi Basin Holiday weekend.

Marks of Honor
Unlike reputation and honor there is only one way to make sure you gain the max amount of Marks possible; win the match. Winning a match will grant your team three Marks of Honor, while losing will only gain you one.

The Stable
The Stable is located in the north-central part of the map, right outside of Trollbane Hall (the Alliance Spawn point). Like the Farm, the Stables are generally well defended by the Alliance and are captured by soon after the start of the battle. The hidden buff here will spawn inside of the stable building. The graveyard here is located very close to the flag, making it a difficult location to assault, unless left undefended, or a certain level of teamwork is involved.

The Lumber Mill
Located on a hill on the west side of the map, the Lumber Mill is one of the easiest nodes to capture and defend for either team. It’s location gives players good scouting positions, that will allow them to spot attackers from a distance. This also gives the Lumber Mill a great tactical advantage, as it gives your side a bird’s eye view of the Blacksmith, Farm, and Stables.  Defenders can call out which of the other nodes are most vulnerable to attack, or about to be overrun by a large group from the opposing team. As such this is a good node to capture early on in the match.

The Mine
The Mine can be found on the eastern side of the map, and is a location that is generally assaulted early in the game, but rarely defended. However there are a few easy ways to defend the Mine without using a ton of manpower,wowqs, or strategy. Simply hide one of your team inside the Mine, or use a player that can stealth. Once the flag at the Mine is assaulted the player (or players) will usually leave, assuming that no one is there to defend it. Once the players have departed the hidden or stealthed player can quickly recapture the flag and then hide once again.

The Mine is surrounded by relatively wide open space, and has a sheer cliff that can be used by ranged classes to effectively snipe from, which can be effective in either defending or assaulting the node. This cliff also provides easy and quick access to the nodebuy wow gold as you can head east from the Blacksmith and simply jump over the cliff. However it should be noted that you will take falling damage,led lights, so it may not be the best idea to plummet into the midst of your enemies unless you have a friendly Mage or Priest around to give you Levitate or Free Fall. The free bonus here can be found near the Mine in a small cart.

The Mine is one of the least tactically beneficial nodes to defend due to being cut off from the other nodes in terms of line of sight. While it can be easy to spot incoming attackers, most teams will opt to control the Lumber Mill instead, only assaulting the Mine if other nearby nodes are already held and the bulk of the opposing team’s forces are on the far side of the map.

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引用 删除 zukdkbpn   /   2010-04-25 18:00:39
KzLWuW  <a href="">ddjkihzoniys</a>, [url=]pewtufindllm[/url], [link=]bkjrewkjsrke[/link],




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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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