How to garden indoor

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-31 11:10:50 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

How to garden indoorHow to garden indoorStarting an indoor garden does#x require a little preparation. Your space and lighting will likely be the biggest factors determining what supplies you'll need to get your gardenGrow lights. Here, we'll take a look at some basic and special needs supplies.

Some houseplants will survive and thrive in simple pots placed in open, undisturbed areas of indirect sunlight. For these areas,Buy in Global, you'll need the basic supplies listed above. Some homes, though, might not have the large, low-traffic spaces indoor gardens demand; instead, you might find your garden fits best in a relatively dry unused closet or basement, where you'll need to install special lighting.

Lighting. Some indoor gardeners maintain fluorescent lighting is a fine substitution for natural or incandescent light; other indoor gardeners claim the pricierGrow lights, or high intensity discharge, lighting is the real way to go.

HID lights are the same kind of energy efficient, industrial lights used in street and parking lot lights; the bulbs turn electricity into a usable light and energy source for plants. HID lights for home use are scaled-down and produced with the same commercial parts used in industrial HID lights for durability and longevity.

The size of your garden and garden space will determine what HID bulb wattage you'll need; most plants will sit a foot off the floor in a container, and most HID fixtures will hand about a foot down from the ceiling. For small rooms with 10 to 40 square feet of floor space, one 400 watt HID lighting system should be sufficient. Larger spaces should do well with a 600 or 1,000 watt HID lighting system.

Light movers. While not typically necessary, light movers can certainly improve light dispersion around your garden. Electronic movers should be mounted securely to the ceiling. You can#x also use rope or chain pulleys to adjust the height of yourGrow lights.

TAG: buy global grow in lights





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