Should Doctors Lecture Patients About Their Weight?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-13 16:38:26 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Should Doctors Lecture Patients About Their Weight?Should Doctors Lecture Patients About Their Weight?Overweight people already know they are overweight. So #xshould doctors keep naggingwine boxthem to lose pounds?

That’s the issue tackled recently by one of my favorite medical blogs, called “Musings of a Distractible Mind.” The author,网站优化, who goes by “Dr. Rob,” is Dr. Robert Lamberts, an Augusta, Ga., physician who is board certified in internal medicine and pediatrics. On his blog, Dr. Rob muses about a variety of topics like llamas, twinkies and favorite patients. But I was particularly moved by a recent post, which was written after Dr. Rob’s encounter with an overweight patient who was clearly accustomed to being lectured about obesity. As Dr. Rob was about to discuss whether the man needed surgery for sciatica and back pain, the patient interrupted him, hanging his head in shame and blaming his weight for the problem. Dr. Rob writes:

This whole episode really bothered me. He was so used to being lectured about his obesity that he wanted to get to the guilt trip before I brought it to him. He was living in shame. Everything was due to his obesity, and his obesity was due to his lack of self-control and poor character. After all, losing weight is as simple aswine boxexercise and dietary restraint, right?

Perhaps I am too easy on people, but I don’t like to lecture people on things they already know. I don’t like to say the obvious: “You need to lose weight.” Obese people are rarely under the impression that it is perfectly fine that they are overweight. They rarely are surprised to hear a person saying that their weight is at the root of many of their problems. Obese people are the new pariahs in our culture; it used to be smokers, but now it is the overweight.

The idea that their personal worth lies on their BMI is extremely damaging. There are a lot of screwed-up skinny people out there; just look at super-models. It is a lot easier to lose weight when you actually like yourself and want to do something about your health. Our culture of accusation and shame simply makes obese people hate themselves. If you hate yourself, why should you want to take care of your body?

Is obesity a problem? Sure it is. But we need to get off of our self-righteous pulpits. Obese people should not be made into a group of outcasts. The “them” mentality #xand the finger-wagging are no more thanwine boxinsecure people trying to feel better by putting down others.

TAG: 网站优化





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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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