MYStuff, VPN Tracker, InPreflight Pro

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-04 18:29:29 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

MYStuff, VPN Tracker, InPreflight ProMYStuff, VPN Tracker, InPreflight ProMinder Softworks has launched MYStuff 1.3,blu-ray ripperan update to its organizational tool for keeping track of purchased items. The latest version adds a new search tab to the FileFinder palette, #x which can be used to find photos and user manuals via the Internet. CSV import is also supported for apps such as Paperless and Delicious Library.

VPN Tracker 6.2.1 ($130) - Equinux has released a new version of its IPSec VPN client, VPN Tracker 6.2.1. The updated software is designed to integrate with WatchGuard security devices, adding support for WatchGuard Firewall XTM-based items such as Firebox X Edge and all XTM Series devices. Also new are pre-configured device profiles for certain WatchGuard devices.

InPreflight Pro 2.7 ($140) - InPreflight Pro 2.7 is the latest version of the company’s document preparation utility for Adobe InDesign.blu-ray ripperThe software is designed for checking documents and preparing them for final exporting and shipping. The update provides a redesigned user interface for simpler analyzation of pre-flight tasks, #x while bug fixes focus on the pre-flight presets setup.

MoyeaBlu-ray Ripperfor Mac 2.6.1 ($50) - Moyea Blu-ray Ripper for Mac 2.6.1 allows users to remove copy-protection and region codes from all Blu-ray movies. Users can store a copy of the movie on their computer, or export it in a variety of different formats. Version 2.6.1 adds a complete Blu-ray Chapter List with switchable modes, while placing DiskCopy on the main interface.

Legend Maker 1.0 ($100) - Legend Maker allows users to create ePub and Kindle books, for use on the Kindle, iPad, SonyReader, or Bookworm. Features include an automatically-generated table of contents,Energy saving bulbs,blu-ray ripperalong with support for adding images such as a covers or author portraits. #x Users can also include endnotes that can be linked between text and the note.

TAG: blu-ray energy ripper saving





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  • 日志数: 500
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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