Cooking Guide | cheap wow gold

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Expert Cooking,buy wow goldisugg boots learned from a book. Horde players should buy it from the Cooking Trainer in Shadowprey Village, Desolace, and Alliance players need to buy from the Cooking Trainer at the Alliance post near Talondeep Path in Ashenvale Forest.

Artisan Cookingis learned from Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan, he's at the inn and will ask a quest of you. Before you come, if you want to save a few minutes, bring the following before taking the quest:

12 Giant Eggs (from Vultures near Gadgetzan, or Owlbeasts in Hinterlands)

10 Zesty Clam Meat (Clams in the level 40+ areas, usually from Big Mouth Clams)

20 Alterac Swiss (Vendors)

Once you accept Dirge's Quest, you can immediately turn it in so you get Artisan level cooking, and can go up to 300 in skill level!

Master Cookingis bought at the inn at Thrallmar or Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula, it is a book bought from the Chef at the Inn. In addition, you may also buy said book from the inn at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh. This will allow you to reach the maximum cap of 375 for the Burning Crusade!

Are there Quests for Cooking?

There are quite a few quests for Cooking, some of which start at a very low level. They include the following:

QuestRewardStarts in ZoneLevelFaction
Beer Basted Boar Rib RecipeBeer Basted Boar Rib RecipeDun Morogh7Alliance
Recipe of the KaldoreiKaldorei Spider KabobsTeldrassil7Alliance
Easy Strider LivingStrider Stew RecipeDarkshire12Alliance
Dig Rat StewDig Rat Stew RecipeThe Barrens23Horde
Soothing Turtle BisqueSoothing Turtle Bisque RecipeHillsbrad Foothils31Horde
Clamlette SurpriseClamlette Surprise RecipeTanaris45Both

How can I skill up past 300, recipes are too high level for me to use?

If you want to skill up past 300, you will need to complete a couple quests in Hellfire Peninsula at the wreckage to avoidcheap wow gold needing fish to level your cooking up.

There are two ways to reach 375 cooking, either by killing monsters and using their meat, or by using fish you catch - combining both is ideal to spend the least time leveling both tradeskills. We will cover what you can cook and when below.

Monster-based drops 300-325

Buzzard Bites- requires 1 buzzard meat, will add 20 stamina and spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

Ravager Dog- requires 1 ravager flesh, 40 attack power and 20 spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

Monster-based drops 325-355

Talbuk Steak- requires 1 talbuk venison, will add 20 stamina and spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds

Roasted Clefthoof- requires 1 clefthoof meat, will add 20 strength and spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds

Warp Burger- requires 1 warp meat, will add 20 agility and spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

Monster-based drops 355-375

Mok'nathal Shortribs- requires 1 raptor ribs, will add 20 stamina and spirit over 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

Crunchy Serpent- requires 1 serpentbuy wow gold flesh, will add 23 spell damage and 20 spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

Fishing-based cooking 300-340

Blackened Trout- requires 1 barbed gill trout

Fishing-based cooking 340-350

Blackened Sporefish- requires 1 zangarian sporefish, will add 20 stamina and 8 mana every 5 seconds if you eat it for 10 seconds

Fishing-based cooking 350-365

Golden Fish Sticks- requires 1 golden darter, will increase healing by 44 and spirit by 20 for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds

Fishing-based cooking 365-375

Spicy Crawdad - requires 1 furious crawdad, will add 30 stamina and 20 spirit for 30 minutes if you eat it for 10 seconds.

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