Druid Class Guide | buy wow gold

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The Druid is one of the most dynamic and interestingclasses in all of Azeroth, Druids are truly the jacks of all trades. A twist on the old adage, however, is that the druid is not the master of none, but a master of all. The Druid fromWorld of Warcraft’slore prospective is a guardian of nature, caretaker of the balance of all living things, including the world itself. Don’t be fooled though, these tree huggers are no pushover.


Druids are a shape shifting “hybrid” class (no they don’t run on electric power, it means they can specialize to fill any role in the game - Tank, Healer or DPS). Druids are restricted to cloth or leather armor, leather being the preferred type that is most suited to and itemized for the class. Druids may wield staves, daggers, one and two handed maces, fist weapons and introduced in patch 3.08; pole-arms (ed. note: as of the writing of this article, this has not yet been patched in). Druids are unique in many ways but one of the tiffanyjewelry most striking things one notices about the class is that it is restricted to merely two of Azeroths 10 races,cheap wow gold; the Tauren and the Night Elves.

The druid learns through both advancement and from various quests the ability to shift into several animal forms - Bear and Dire Bear for tanking, Cat form. for melee DPS that is similar to a rogue and allows for stealth movement. Travel form, which is also in the form. of a cat, enables a 40% increase in run speed, aquatic form. that allows for water breathing and 50% increased swim speed and lastly the flight form. for soaring through the skies of Outland and Northrend. There are two other forms a druid may take through talents: a Boomkin form. for ranged magic DPS and the Tree form. for increased healing abilities to the restoration druid.

Each form. of druid specialization produces a drastically different style. of game play and vastly different role in raids and groups. Few other classes can give the player such a range of styles and completely unique experiences, making the druid the perfect class for those that yearn for change and would be inclined to create alternate characters. The best druid players are ones who have the knack for managing many abilities and roles and mimic the class in the ability to shift between them quickly; this is defiantly not an auto attack and AFK class.

The Druid is like having four completely different characters all rolled into one, but be forewarned; you will need lots of bag space to fit all your various types of armor to accommodate your ever changing roles. The greatest strength of this class is simply its versatility. Druids are very self sufficient early on in the game. All classes in WoW can solo virtually the entire level range, but some classes find it much easier to do so and the druid is definitely in that category.

In PvE the druid can fill all roles in a group or raid as long as there is the willingness to change your specialization to fill that missing role. They are in high demand in raid environments for their amazing healing abilities, much needed tanking and off tanking abilities and the ever popular and class unique ability to resurrect other players in tiffany jewelry ,buy wow gold;combat. With recent patches and updates to the class, druid caster DPS is also formidable. However the recent addition of the Death Knight class has had the effect of pigeon-holing other hybrids into one or two primary roles.

PvP is an area where top notch druid players can really shine, in both battlegrounds and arenas a good druid is a fearsome opponent or a highly valued ally.

Druid Strengths

  • Excellent healers and tanks.
  • Fearsome opponent or valued ally in PvP.
  • Highly resistant to crowd control.
  • Abilty to stealth.
  • Instant run speed boosting buff.
  • The only class that can resurrect during battle.

Druid Weaknesses

  • Not as strong as tanks or melee or caster dps classes dedicated to the role.
  • Can only wear leather.
  • Among the most difficult classes to master.
  • Needs multiple sets of armor to function well in all roles.

Defining Spells and Abilities

The druid’s ability to free itself from most forms of crowd control along with the abilities to instantly increase run speed and the ability to stealth as well as the ability to incapacitate an opponent can make a druid a very hard target to eliminate. The aforementioned abilities are routinely employed by the druid in arena battles , coupling the escape artist nature of the class with their very mana efficient heal over time abilities is a combo that requires quick reaction time and highly coordinated team work to overcome. In most battlegrounds druids rely on stealth and speed to help capture objectives, their travel form. facilitates the ability to transport the flag in Warsong Gulch that is second to none when coupled with their ability of being able buy wow gold to shrug off crowd control measures, while their stealth and crowd control abilities of root and whirlwind make them very capable at capturing nodes in Arathi Basin, Alterec Valley and Eye of the Storm.

The master of all trades of Azeroth is a fun and rewarding class that can provide the player with infinite hours of gaming , allowing the feel of having virtually every class rolled into one character with some of the most unique and sought after abilities in the game.

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  • 访问量: 5696
  • 日志数: 133
  • 建立时间: 2009-08-11
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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