Warsong Gulch Battleground Guide | ugg boots

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Warsong Gulch Rules

On the surface, it's purely a game of "capture the flag." Two flags, two bases, and your object is to bring the opponent's flag to your base three times (i.e. earn three points before your opponent does). One significant rule change from the traditional game is this: that you have to defend your flag in order to score a point. In order to score, your team must touch the opponents' flag to your flag in your home base. Note thatthe honor points you accumulate from capturing the flags far outweigh what you'll get by "HK (honorable kill) farming" midfield, so doing what it takes to help your team win the flag battle should always take first priority.

There are a fewbuy wow gold special icon buffs a laUnreal Tournamenton the map as well. A speed buff pops every thirty seconds or so in a small alcove to the side of the long center tunnel in each base. Additionally, healing and berserking (a buff that allows you to do +30% damage, but increases damage taken by 10%) icons occasionally spawn in each of the small outbuildings in the mid-field. When you've killed a player,buy wow gold, right click their corpse to remove their insignia so that they can only revive at their graveyard (you can also loot a small amount of coin on occasion - but this coin doesn't come out of their personal account). If you die and press the "Revive" button, you'll take the ghost form. at your faction's graveyard, where a special NPC will cast an area-effect resurrection spell every thirty seconds. If you're within the area as a ghost, you'll revive with full health, full mana (if applicable), and (if you're a warlock) a pet.

WSG Buffs


The "Icon Buffs" - Speed (left), Health (center), and Berzerk (right).
Speed is found in the tunnel, the rest spawn in the midfield outbuildings.



You'll gain a "Mark of Honor" in your inventory for competeing in the battle ground as long as you stick around until the end, and get two additional marks if your side wins the game.

That's about it for the rules. The rest is experience, communication, and tactics!

Getting into the Queue

All the major cities have a "Warsong Gulch Battlemaster." Talk to this NPC to get into the WSG queue, then go about your business. When a battleground opens up (it takes anywhere from a few minutes to an hour and more, depending on how many Alliance and Horde in your level range are running WSG), you'll be given the option to join. Note ugg boots that if you don't accept in a few seconds' time, you can still join the bg by right clicking the faction symbol icon located around your minimap.

When you enter the battleground, you'll have about 2 minutes to get organized before the raid begins. As players join the battleground they will automattically be added to the battleground raid group. You can type "/bg" to talk in the battle ground channel (or set the default chat channel to "bg").

The rest of this time should be used to iron out who's doing what. Read on for some of the roles I've come across in Warsong Gulch (but note that things may be entirely different on your server... so use this guide as a springboard into your battleground experience only).

Communication is Key...

So whatever role you serve out, talk it up! Many hardcore PvP guilds have dedicated VoIP servers, which allow freeflowing voice communication between teammates. VoIP has one major limitation; unless everyone's listening, someone will always be left out of the loop. So if you're limited to the keyboard: here are a few commonly used terms, though the definition of these terms (and the terms used) may be different on your server.

Center, Left, Right- When the other team has your flag, messages that "he's going center" means that the flag is probably coming out of the center tunnel and going straight upfield. When your team has a flag, a cry of "go your right" probably means that hostiles are covering the left-to-center side from the flag runner's perspective. Any good instructions you can give your flag runner are always appreciated, as they're usually taking a pounding and are prone to tunnel vision. Also, calling "2 coming your left, D" lets the defense know to expect company on the raised platform. in the flag room. Note that using cardinal directions (e.g. east, west, north, south - as per the map) takes the "your left or my left?" confusion out of the mix, but takes a little getting used to.

D - Defense- See below.

FR - Flag Room- As you might have guessed, the room where the flag appears. Note that you can't "carry" your own flag, only click it (when the "gear" cursor turns from gray to gold) to return it to its starting position.

GY - Graveyard- Players revive at the graveyard every thirty seconds. If your corpse is stripped of it's insignia (i.e. an enemy "loots" your corpse ugg boots to create a mark of honor) you may only revive at the graveyard. If you can't get a quick rez, it's usually wise to revive at the graveyard, as you'll come back to life with full health and mana (warlocks also revive with their pet).

Pushing- Your mid-field group may wish to "push" an enemy group to one side of the battlefield to clear a lane for the flag runner. Inexperienced players tend to rush pell-mell towards the biggest battle in sight, so you'll usually push toward the opposing graveyard to net some of the newly revived from the graveyard (and keep them out of the real action).

Trapping- If both flags are being run, your team must "trap" the flag, i.e. hide and defend it, until your flag is recovered. Hunters can track the flag, so keeping hunters in the revive queue should be a priority. Hunters are especially adept at trapping; they can set up traps around a hidden spot which, along with sicing the pet, allows them time to escape enemies (who usually search for a trapped flag in ones or twos). Trapping close to your flag room is a plus; you'll want to score the flag quickly when it's recovered. See below for some good hiding spots.

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