Leather Shoulder Bag

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-24 15:14:57 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

       ,versace bags replica;   ,celine hangbags saleJimmy Choocontinues in bringing its consumers and fanatics more and more sophisticated and urbane bag designs even though we mostly see wild,bags wholesale exotic and eccentric pieces from them. Another example of such is theJimmy ChooZulu Grainy Nappa Leather Shoulder Bag,gucci wallets, and looking at it would indeed tell that this holds total refinement.

Made from buttery soft leather material, this Jimmy Choo Zulu Grainy Nappa Leather Shoulder Bag doesn’t hold any much striking design on it. Instead,Gucci Handbagsit comes rather plain and only has a belted detail on its body,gucci bags on sale, which is woven through gold-tone grommets. That&rsquo,celine leather bag;s actually all there is on this shoulder bag,christian dior wallets for women, but it still manages to look a lot appealing and definitely even more wearable and versatile.

ThisJimmy ChooZulu Grainy Nappa Leather Shoulder Bag has dimensions of 12 x 7½ x 1 inches, enough to fit some of your day or night time necessities. It opens through a zipper closure with grommet-accented pull,Louis Vuittonwalletsand inside pockets are as well available for additional storage. Its shoulder strap brings added design to the bag&rsquo,jimmy choo shoes sale;s entirety as it comes in chain and leather design    ,chloe;

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  • 访问量: 951
  • 日志数: 54
  • 建立时间: 2010-04-09
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-21


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