EDCO Welding on Board

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-28 11:32:15 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

EDCO Welding on Board ,<a href="http://www.maatsoft.com">Blu-ray Ripper</a>EDCO Welding on BoardInternational Outlaw Figure 8 Series ( IOFS ) #xannounced today that EDCOWelding Hosewill continue as the IOFS ' Fast Time Award ' sponsor for the 2010 season. EDCO was also the ' Fast Time Award ' sponsor for the IOFS Outlaw Figure 8 division during the 2009 inaugural season.

EDCO Welding & Hydraulic Service is located at 3015 Chase Street in Indianapolis and offers a wide variety of services ranging from: Custom Fab and all types of welding, Aluminum fuel tank repair service, Hydraulic hose and cylinder repairs. Roll-off truck mounts and repairs, Roll-off Container repairs and sales. Tow truck bed repairs, wet kit installs. All types of metal fabrication and repairs. Dump truck bed repairs. Truck & trailer service & repair.

IOFS Managing partner, David Sink, recently expressed his thoughts on EDCO returning as an IOFS sponsor in 2010. " EDCO owner, Eddie Van Meter, has been involved in a lot of different forms of racing" explained Sink." Eddie was our ' Fast Time Award ' sponsor last season and the IOFS is grateful he has chosen toWelding Hosesponsor the award once again in 2010. For him to want to help us out speaks volumes. Eddie has really been supportive of what we are doing and has been involved with the IOFS since day one and we are pleased he has elected to support IOFS events in 2010" concluded Sink.

Van Meter had been a regular competitor with the IOFS series in 2009 but has hinted that he may not run a lot of Figure 8 events in 2010. Van Meter may elect to concentrate his efforts on his CRA Super Series program and the development of his son, Billy, who will be competing in several CRA Street Stock events in 2010 as a rookie.

Custom Fab and all types of welding, Aluminum fuel tank repair service, Hydraulic hose and cylinder repairs. Roll-off truck mounts and repairs, Roll-off Container repairs and sales. Tow truck bed repairs, wet kit installs. All types#x of metal fabrication and repairs. Dump truck bedWelding Hoserepairs. Truck & trailer service & repair.

TAG: blu-ray ripper





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 9900
  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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