Even sub-Sahara pips South Asia

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-10 10:15:14 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Even sub-Sahara pips South AsiaEven sub-Sahara pips South AsiaNEW DELHI: East Asia and the Pacific are pulling ahead of South AsiaEmbroidered Fabricon most indicators of gender equality such as health#x, adult literacy and economic participation. The divergence has become so magnified that today South Asia ranks close to or lower than sub-Saharan Africa, at the bottom of the heap.

This was revealed in UNDP's Asia Pacific Human Development Report, released on Monday. South Asia's lack of gender equality is a cause of great concern as the region accounts for almost a quarter of the world's population and within the region India accounts for about 73% of the population.

UNDP administrator Helen Clark while releasing the report warned: "High GDP does not automatically deliver human development. That can happen only from more deliberate public policy interventions. The boost to the economy that would result from greater participation of women should result in investment in those specific sectors that will benefit them for gender equality to become a reality."

The report argues that gender equality is also good economics as equal participation of women boosts a country's GDPEmbroidered Fabric. According to the report, in countries such as India, Indonesia and Malaysia, conservative estimates show that GDP would increase by up to 2-4% annually if women employment rates were raised to 70% closer to the rate of many developed countries.

In South Asia, the proportion of women in the labour force was just 36% in 2007, much lower than that of even sub-Saharan African at 60%. If you are looking for some comfort, there is one region that does worse on this count and that is the Middle East and North African region.

About 67% East Asian women participate in the labour force, the best rate in the world and well above the global average of 53%.

However, when it comes to equal pay,Pearl earrings, women in the entire Asia-Pacific region earn considerably less than men with the pay gap ranging from 54 to 90%. More than 41% of the children in South Asia were underweight compared to less than 27% in sub-Saharan Africa#x. And more women die in childbirth in South AsiaEmbroidered Fabric, 500 per 100,000 live births than in any part of the world except sub-Saharan Africa.

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