Glory of the Hero Achievement - tiffany jewelry

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-14 16:19:48 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

There can be several ways to position Elder Nadox and separate the Guardians for this achievement to be done:,cheap wow gold

1) One way is to drag Elder Nadox out of the room and take him down the stairs in the next area room. This second person will stand near thecheap wow gold ,cheap wow gold;doorway and gather the guardians as they come by, Paladin or Death Knight may be ideal for this so their AE ground spells may grab them before they get too far or even Death Grip for a Death Knight. It is most definitely recommended that the DPS try their best to kill Elder Nadox as quickly as possible so that the Tank holding the Guardians will survive long enough while away from a healer.

2) Another way is to just leave Elder Nadox where he stands, the second tank will have to watch for Guardians as they make their way to Elder Nadox and listen in on Vent if one manages to get to him. Pull these Guardians directly opposite of where Nadox stands and hold them there. This will keep the Guardians far enough away from Nadox so that he does not become invincible. I found the downside to doing it this way is adds would head straight for the healer. So if you have someone that can do good AE aggro keeping than this can be done. Or a good healer.

The Party’s Over
Defeat Prince Taldoram in Ahn’kahet on Heroic Difficulty with less than 5 people.

The achievement description prettywow gold much spells it out, just defeat Prince Taldoram with less than 5 people. Easy enough, just subtract a DPS from your group (who is willing to step out, of course), defeat Taldoram and you’re done. Just be sure to include the DPS who stepped out for the other 4 people the next time you decide to visit Old Kingdom so that he may get the achievement as well if they do not already have it.

If you have the DPS to kill him quickly, a cool way to do this is a second before you engage him the person who is stepping out will have to leave the group. The 4 remaining group members will have 55 seconds to kill Prince Taldoram before the 5th group member gets ported out of the zone. It helps is the person says something in group or in say before the fight so that the group leader could just right click their name in the chat window and reinvite the 5th member easier.

Volunteer Work
Defeat Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn’kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Twilight Volunteers.

Volazj’s Quick Demise
Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn’kahet on Heroic Difficulty intiffany jewelry 2 minutes or less.

Volazj is the final boss in Ahn’kahet, he’s the guy with the tentacle arms and face and casts Insanity. During Insanity, you have to kill your fellow group members, or survive long enough for them to enter into your Insanity and save you.

TAG: cheap gold jewelr tiffany wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 672
  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2009-10-07
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-18


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