The Care and Feeding of Warriors | buy wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-10-31 13:30:41 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Warriors have some very fun new tools for PvP. Arms in particular has Shattering Throw (Fury does too, but I don't even have to switch stances to use it as Arms) which meant that I actually managed to kill a mage in Alterac Valley. Makebuy wow gold sure you know which bubbles to Shatter. Ice block? Check. Pally immune bubble? Check. Disc priest bubble? No. Val'anyr bubble? Also no. Also,cheap wow gold, man, it's awesome going up against another warrior and seeing him shatter the bubble your resto druid with Val put on you.

There are a lot of under-80 players leveling in Alterac Valley. This can give you a disproportionate sense of how powerful you are. Four level 74-76 Horde should not try and take a tower back when it's held by a level 80 Arms warrior in Ulduar/Coliseum/Wintergrasp gear and a healer. You certainly don't all want to cluster closely together and let me Bladestorm the lot of you.
When you leave AV and go to Wintergrasp, the average player level has gone up. Don't get cocky.
Arenas, even more so. That being said, no matter what anyone tells you, Resto Druid/Arms Warrior is a ridiculously fun combo. But I still hate the Dalaran Sewers map. Like, a lot.
Bladestorm every 1.25 minutes! (With the glyph, of course.) Look, I already admitted I'm not a PvP savant, so let me have fun at least.

One of the things I actually dislikeugg boots about playing Arms now is having to figure out Armor Penetration. I understand why it was moved to a rating system in Patch 3.0 but man, I already have to use spreadsheets to figure out my gearing, now I feel like I need a team of seven wizened sages on a celestial abacus to understand a key stat for my class/spec. My eyes glaze over when I read this formula.

So far, I'm doing everything wrong: my expertise is way too high, my hit too high, my crit too low, my ArP too low. Despite all of this, my DPS stayed comfortably within the same basic levels it has been for Fury. My gear is mostly interchangeable between the specs, with me swapping Clockwork Legplates in for the T8 legs. Quite frankly, while I do like my Worldcarver, I keep hoping Lotrafen will drop because it doesn't have that ridiculous whack of expertise on it. With the gear I have now, Lotrafen's stat spread would be far superior than Worldcarver. Still, you take whatever drops first.

As a general suggestion (and keep in mind that Arms is not my normal talent spec) I'd say you want about 50% ArP before trinket procs, around 35% crit in Battle, cap hit at 8% (263 HR) and get your expertise up to 26 if you don't use Weapon Mastery (Strength of Arms adds 2 expertise per rank, so keep that in mind - Full SoAnba 2k10 would mean you only need 22 exp on gear). Attack Power should be as high as you can get it, I'd feel uncomfortable with less than 3.5k and would prefer over 4k to raid Ulduar 25. You still want hit and exp capped to raid lower level content but can get away with 40% Armor Reduction before trinkets and 3k or so AP for Naxx 25.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 672
  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2009-10-07
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-18


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