The Mighty Winds of Change | nba 2k10

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 Most of the banter in trade chat is over the addition of conquest badges to heroic five player dungeons and the old ten and twenty-five player raids Does the inclusion of these badges cheapen current content? Will players stilltiffany jewelry knock out all of the Ulduar content when they can mine badge gear out of much easier and quicker heroic dungeons? There may be more instances of Ignis, Razorscale and The Iron Council surviving the pillaging of their homes post 3.2 but I suspect most guilds will still farm out the T8 pieces and best in slot items from Yogg Saron. I actually suspect there may be a renewal of interest from many guilds struggling in Ulduar to revisit Naxxaramas to farm easy badges and upgrade many players quickly.

Call of the Crusade

 Another ambitious entry into raid and group content and the next step in Wrath of the Lich King progression, Crusaders' Coliseum offers five, ten and twenty five player content. The addition of this dungeon also heralds Blizzard's newest tinkering of difficulty levels by allowing raid leaders the ability to select normal or hard modes. As stated above, the five player content is quick and easy. It yields item level 200 epics on regular mode and item level 219 epics on heroic.

Dungeon Loot Tradeable

To fix the top issue that GMs had to deal with on a daily basis, errant master looters, the ability to trade all loot to members of the same raid ID was added. This is one of the smarter features added to the game. It has a two hour timewow gold limit and the person being given the item must have been eligible to loot at the time it dropped. This feature can really help speed up runs while DKP is checked or loot councils convene.

Raid Extensions

My personal favorite of the new changes,cheap wow gold, Raid ID extensions allows raiders to prolong the reset timer of their raids. This change is nice as many folks are currently finishing up the last couple fights in Ulduar or working out the last few hard modes, but it will become invaluable in the next patch when Icecrown is introduced. Many times in the last version of the game my guild would have killed for an extra week on Mu'ru or any of the extremely difficult bosses in Sunwell. I hope Icecrown provides a similar level of difficulty and this modification of how raid timers are managed will help bleeding edge progression guilds accomplish their goals in a more efficient manner. This ability is controlled by the individual player to prevent PUGs from causing havoc amongst the general populace.

Class Buffs and Nerfs

Death Knights - The short version is this - Tanks were nerfed and DPS was mostly buffed. The general consensus is that AoE tank specs were heavily nerfed in the threat generation department, and that the overall hitpoint reduction is extra salt in those wounds. I trust Messiah to chime in on this in better detail in the coming weeks. I personally play an Uld geared blood tank alt and it appears to be the only spec that still plays the same post patch. 

Druids  - Restoration druids that used Lifebloom are feeling a significant change and it doesn't jive with the patch notesnba 2k10 assertion that it was only a 20% reduction from base spell power. Pre patch my lifebloom crits ranged from 18,000 to 21,000 and I have yet to see one top 9,000 since the patch. Feral DPS druids were hit with several minor nerfs that overall seem to have not made a huge difference in output; good feral druids are still pumping out great damage. Balance took a minor hit on the eclipse procs but gained a nice mana rejuvenation bump
Hunters - Trapping was revamped, allowing hunters to have multiple traps from different "categories" down at the same time. No spec breaking nerfs or buffs introduced 
Mages - Some very nice buffs overall to the class but nothing game changing. Mages have been fairly balanced thus far in WotLK. This round of changes, which consists of mana cost reductions and chances for base mana refunds, keep mages competitive.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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