Mining Guide | nba 2k10

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-10-23 14:01:36 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Mining is a gathering skill that allows you to take a mining pick to various veins that litter the landscape and attempt to get raw metals and gems for crafting armor, weapons, potions, jewels, and many other items. Some of the materials can even be used in quests!

Mining is a primarynba 2k10 skill, meaning that it counts towards the two profession limit. Keep this in mind when you learn Mining, as unlearning it to learn a new profession will reset your knowledge of mining to zero if you ever pick it back up.

Either for making new things with tough metals or just for profit, mining is a great skill for any class! It goes great with several other professions as well!

Getting Started

To begin you must seek a<Mining Trainer>out in order to pick up the mining profession. From there, simply interact with the trainer who will teach you the rough and gritty art of mining! When you begin you will be an Apprentice Miner and have to pay only a few copper to pick up the profession.

There are several ranks to mining and as your skill progress you’ll find yourself at a point where you can’t continue without further training. At this point return to any mining trainer and pay to increase your rank in mining, except for the Master or Grand Master levels. You must seek out a Master trainer in Outland or a Grand Master trainer in Northrend to reach those ranks.


  • Smelt Copper (1)
  • Smelt Elementium (1) *
  • Smelt Tin (50)
  • Smelt Bronze (65)
  • Smelt Silver (75)


  • Smelt Iron (125)


  • Smelt Gold (155)
  • Smelt Steel (165)
  • Smelt Mithril (175)


  • Smelt Truesilver (230)
  • Smelt Thorium (250)
  • Smelt Dark Iron (230) *

Master (Burning Crusade)300-375
The Master skill level is learned in Outland, meaning that you must own the Burning Crusade expansion in order to train to this level.

  • Smelt Fel Iron (300)
  • Smelt Felsteel (300)
  • Smelt Adamantite (325)
  • Smelt Etenium (350)
  • Smelt Khorium (365)

Grand Master (Wrath of the Lich King)375-450
The Grand Master skill is learned in Northrend, meaning that you must own the WotLK expansion in order to train to this level.

  • Smelt Cobalt (350)
  • Smelt Saronite (400)
  • Smelt Titanium (450)
  • Smelt Titansteel(450)


As a miner you spend a lot of time digging things out of the ground. This has the added advantage of toughening you up. This ischeap wow gold a passive ability that was added in patch 3.0.2 that you automatically gain as a miner and adds health to your charater based on the level of your mining skill. The health added is shown in the table below.

Toughness Rank
Mining Skill
Health Gained

Choosing a Second Profession

Mining fuels many professions, although it goes well with some more then others. The following is a list of comparisons between the other professions and mining. Remember, if you choose mining, you will only have one profession left.

Alchemy: Mining and alchemy do not go along together very well. While alchemy can transmute metals and some potions may need metals, herbalism would always be better.

Blacksmithing: Most everything a blacksmith makes is done with metal and gems obtained through mining. You should rarely pick up blacksmithing without mining, as the ores required to skill up are extremely expensive.

Enchanting, Skinning,buy wow gold, Talioring: These three professions do not require mining nor interfere with it. Skinning is an exceptional choice to take with mining though, as with two gathering skills you can bring in the money fast.

Engineering: Like blacksmithing, engineering requires rare gems and metals. If you plan on becoming an engineer then you will want to bring mining along to fund your crafts.

Herbalism: Herbalism and mining do not go together very well. There is good reason, of course. Mining and herbalism use the mini-map to detect “nodes” (locations veins and herbs). You can only detect one type of node at a time, so you can’t detect both mineral veins and herbs.

Jewelcrafting: You will need mining to take full advantage of jewelcrafting. Most items created with jewelcrafting will require rare gems which can be found easier with prospecting (a jewelcrafting skill).

Leatherworking: Mining and leatherworking do not go along together as leatherworking requires leather from skinning.

Mineral Veins

Mineral veins are scattered across the landscape on rocky mountainous areas, hills,wow gold, and inside of various caves. They have static spawns, but random nba 2k10 respawn times. This means that all veins can be reached on foot (they will very rarely spawn in a way that is unreachable) and can be mapped out. The respawn time can be from a few minutes to a few hours, so it’s generally a good idea to never wait around on a vein to respawn.

Sometimes, certain metal veins can respawn as a special type of vein with an uncommon type of ore. This kind of ore is generally always considered rarer and more valuable then the base ore. Tin can respawn as Silver,buy wow gold, Iron can respawn as Gold, and Mithril can respawn as Truesilver. Going out of your way for these types of metals can be a very good idea.

Minerals have a certain “difficulty” rating. Each mineral vein requires you to be near the skill level of that vein in order to mine it. Its color coded so it’s easy to figure out.

Red:Can not mine, you can attempt to mine it to see what skill level is needed before you can begin to mine it.

Orange/Yellow/Green:You can mine it with 100% success. Orange has a great chance to give you a skill gain, yellow has an alright chance to give you a skill gain, and green has a fair chance to give you a skill gain.

Grey:You can mine it with 100% success, but there will be no skill gain.

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  • 访问量: 672
  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2009-10-07
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-18


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