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ropes and knots she turned away, back to thetiffany colacier twinings of the pequeninos, to the strong trees that nevertheless recoiled from her because they knew that she was the stronger one. And then she realized that where the lace thinned out it was not because there was nothing there, but because gossamer, so delicate that Jane’s rough touch might break them; but she touched them and they did not break, and she followed the threads into a place that teemed with life, with hundreds of small lives, all of them hovering on the brink of consciousness but not quite ready for the leap into awareness. And underneath them all, warm and loving, an aiua that was in its own way strong,bootsbut not as Jane was. No, the aiua of the mothertree was strong without ambition. It was part of every life that dwelt upon her skin, inside the dark of the heart of the tree or on
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  • 访问量: 582
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-09-27
  • 更新时间: 2010-09-27


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