
上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-23 14:02:54

Remarks at the Banquet in Honor of the Delegates to the Fourth Confucius Institute Conferencelinks of londonVice Minister, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China Executive Councilnfl jerseys storeMember, the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters Hao Ping
Today marks the second day of the Fourth Confucius Institute Conference. All delegates haveNike shox nzparticipated in the Conference activities with great enthusiasm and withoutair max 95a break, and contributed wonderful ideas and suggestions in their extensive and in-depthwheelchair manufacturerdiscussions, which ensured successful running of theair max 360agenda. On behalf of the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China andmax 90the Confucius Institute Headquarters, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you!
Tomorrow morning, we will hold the Closing Ceremony of the Conference. Conveners of thebronze lionPresident’s Forum and the Director’s Forum will share their fruitful discussions withnike maxeveryone. After that, Mr. Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education of Chin, will deliverair maxconcluding remarks. The Headquarters will listen carefully to ideas and suggestions from themax shoesdelegates, for the purpose of improving the work for next year.
Through 5 years of hard work, we have started the Confucius Institutes from zero, facilitatednike shox shoestheir growth from small to big, and helped them develop. As of now, more than 280 Confucius Institutes and 270 Confucius Classroomsair max ltdhave been established in 88 countries and regions. Our friends from other countries haveFashion jewelryall commented that the Confucius Institutes are like a big family and we have brothers and sisters all oversolar street lightsthe world. Tonight, on behalf of the Ministry of Education ofdesigner outletChina, and the Confucius Institute Headquarters, I would like to host a family banquet forpaper cutting machinefriends attending the Conference from home and abroad. I hope that everyone enjoys a pleasant trip in China!






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  • 访问量: 229
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-23
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-23


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