
上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-23 14:02:47

Mutual Collaboration, Continuous Innovation, and Sustainable Development For the Future oflinks of london braceletConfucius Institutes around the World Keynote Speech at the Fourth Confucius Institute Conference Liu Yandong State Councilor of the People's Republicpneumatic control valvesof China Chair, Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters December 11, 2009
It is winter now in Beijing. The white snow has already promised us a harvesting year. This prospectivenfl jerseys on saleseason is witnessing the opening of the Fourth Confucius Institutevulcanized fibreConference. Confucius Institutes are members of a big family, and today is the occasion fornike shoxfamily reunion. On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, Imax 90would like to express my warmest welcome, and extend through you my cordialchina wheelchairgreetings to all the teachers and students of the Confucius Institutes around the world.
The topic of the conference ismax 360Confucius Institute and community services. Waysair max ltdand methods for Confcucius Institutes to serve the communities will be explored andair maxdiscussed. This will have a significicant influence upon the enrichment of Confucius Institutesshox r4and further development of international education of the Chinese language.
The year 2009 is an extraordinary one for the world, and so it is for the Confuciusair max 90Institutes. With joint efforts from all parties concerned, the ConfuciusNFL jerseysInstitutes around the world have overcome all kinds of difficultiesarcteryx jacketand challenges. We have kept learning from the past, continuing innovation, sustaining development, maintaining momentum, and making exciting achievements.
Confucius Institutes grew as planned. Up till now, 282 Confucius Institutes and 272 Confuciuslaminating machineClassrooms have been established in 88 countries and regions, with a total enrollment of over 230,000 registered students, anforged steel valvesincrease of 100,000 students over the same period in last year. More than 8,000 Chinese language classes have been offered, representing a year-on-year rise of 2,000 classes. The branding and influence of ConfuciusHerve Leger DressInstitutes have been recognized. So far, over 160 educational institutes from 50 countries have submitted their applications to set up Confucius Institutes.






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  • 访问量: 229
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-23
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-23


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