
上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-19 13:18:52

Qi Jian is the homeORGANIC PIGMENTof the only child of her parents are laid-off workers, low income alone difficult supportingmetal stampingher son to college. Parents put all hopes on son. However, in the Qi Jian graduatedwholesale jerseysfrom college, suddenly diagnosed with leukemia, late. The heavens of this!
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Lying wards of the Qi Jian that matter, can not helpmax shoesbut shed a tear. At this juncture, I suddenly heard the good news, Qi Jian matching the success of bone marrow. This should have been the treatment of leukemia, the most difficult hurdle, Qi Jian is undoubtedly lucky. However, faced with the huge cost of transplant surgery, how the family is also happy. Desperate Qi Jianmax shoesdecided to abandon the treatment, and began to refuse to take medicine and injections. Immediate hope, but to become a heavy pressure.






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  • 访问量: 173
  • 日志数: 15
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-19


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