WoW UI Mod Underachiever - buy wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-07 12:40:40 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

There you are Rrunning random circles around Dalaran bored out of your mind. You desperately want to get into a group,coffee mugs, any group, to kill some time, and you certainly won‘t say no to some sweet new gear for your toon either. Just then across your screen comes the call: LFM Naxxramas 25. You want to go, never mind that you havecheap wow gold ,folding bikes;never set foot inside Naxxramas before, or the fact you are geared in mostly quest blues and greens, you want in. The problem is the raid leader is asking all potential invites to have completed Naxxramas at least once before, and they want you to link the achievement to prove it. You sigh and think if only there was an addon for that.

This mod works upon installation, which gains many mod bonus points with me. Mods that take large amounts of time to set up are just not for me. Once installedsimply bring up your achievement list, and you can begin faking it. Achievements may also be linked and faked any time you see them posted in chat. Using a mod such as Overachiever, which allows you to search and view any achievement, in addition to this mod will allow you to find and link achievements with greater ease.

The options menu is short, and easy to understand,wedding dresses, providing options such as the random picking of dates, and auto-faking (Fwhich fakes achievements as soon as they are linked). An advanced linking option is also provided for those that would like to tweak their faked achievements a little bit more. Advanced linking allows the user to change various aspects of the achievement and also will give you the option to use other player’s names on the achievement using a handy drop down menu.

Overall this mod is excellently built and executes its intended functions well.  I faked several achievements much to the amusement of my guild mates shortly after installing it. I can really see the appeal of faking achievements, especially for those players constantly being left out of the PUG scene simply because they cannot buy wow gold provide links to certain achievements. I really feel that raid leaders in general have started to put too much emphasis on a simple link, and I sympathize with those who are turned away because of it. We all (should) know that an achievement does not a good player make.

All that being said I simply cannot completely get behind this mod. While I do think it’s very innovative, and will appeal to a certain kind of player, the dishonestly involved when using this mod just does not appeal to me at all. The only time I would ever use this mod in game play would be for entertainment purposes amongst my friends.

Underachiever's options menu is simple and easy to use.
Part of my dislike of this mod comes from being able to put myself in the shoes of a raid leader. If I were trying to collect the best players possible I would be very unhappy if someone used this method to get into one of my raids, especially if that person performed poorly. For instance if I were looking for experienced players to run ICC 10, and ended up with 5 people who had never even entered the instance before but used this mod to fake it, how far do you think that raid would actually get? 

does allow you to fake it ingame, it does not actually grant you the achievement. If for whatever reason the raid leader decides to check out your armory link they will easily be able to see that you have not completed the needed achievements. While most raid leaders do not take the time to actually double check on the armory if your performance is poor and it becomes painfully obvious you have never been in the instance before, or if someone happens to view your gear and it is subpar, it may prompt them to do some extra research. This may mean that you will gain a black mark against your name, insuring that you will never be invited back to that particular group (or other groups who find out about your faking) ever again.

Once again I would like to state that I do understand the reasoning behind using this mod. I can’t stress enough that I do not think that players choosing to use it are bad players, or bad people. The mod does not break any of the Blizzard terms of service so players choosing to use it while maybe offending in game etiquettebuy wow gold are not breaking any  real rules beyond those arbitrarily created or enforced by the players themselves. All I humbly ask is those players who plan to use this mod, please do some research before venturing into an instance (there are some great easy to read instance guides right here at Ten Ton Hammer), it will not only help make up for the method used to get into the raid, but will improve your chances of getting invited back.

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引用 删除 rdzovkweykf   /   2010-05-01 19:37:02
GGkoA9  <a href="">kuxsvfmoaiek</a>, [url=]hwdatzpsocsd[/url], [link=]wsdgzzwedcdi[/link],




:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 2023
  • 日志数: 29
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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