How do I tell the story of my brother knife

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-11 11:15:15

How do I tell the story of my brother knife
At that time, I was deputy manager position. LogisticsShenzhen massageAgency blade gave me a dog. He said, Sujing Li, my family's bitch down the litter has been weaned, and give you hold to one. You have just moved into their new homes empty compound, Yang Tiaogou, a little quiet since a police report can be! I took the blade arms of the dog and watched it2921-88-2a little mottled darkened hair is not dyed, tightly holding the hand of the blade, knives Costa Rica, thank you, there is something the company needs brothers, squeak soon as!
My brother tells the story of a knife must first understand: Knife Columbia is asolar collectordog expert. His dog was out in the company name. Full range of his dog, with black back, the wolf blue, Greyhound, as well as Pekinese dog, Chai dogs, sheep dogs. Colombia knife said to me, I will give you this dog is a German black back, you know that mystudent kitsdog never give as gifts are sold, others bought more than 3000 blocks of it! Remember, one is first fed powdered milk, porridge, biscuits, cakes and the like, over a period of time fed meat. Feeding meat to fight a disease after the needle, to the kind of foreign imports, kick down the first pin 15 days after playing the secondtiamulindose.
Manager and I discuss the work of his office, but ask me the views of former manager, managersDiethyl Chlorothiophosphateand former managers know that I have good relations. Before I answer it myself to speak their views, it was to me to reflect the man obsessed with vanity, fame, holding company of the money to buy himself a lot of honor, his own promotion, and gave the company left behind a bottom debts, is not it?
I did not go along with manager's point of view, but that is non-persons, must be40487-42-1non-persons. Who go before the problem, as early as Gansha gone? With that, I found a manager, I look, then laughed, yes, I said to these long-tongued men, the former walk your talk, then I go is also discussion I ah!
In fact, the story about the knife brother, I can use a variety of methods, but finally adopted this100-63-0broken piece of writing. Because I like the story structure. Or dog went on to say something blade bar. He sent a friend's dog (the dog never give as gifts, he said did not conform. to reality, but very few give as gifts), then when the little dog can not see Han and grow up it is highly fit and very sturdy, but also their own money to buy it back56038-89-2when the the kinds of dogs. On another occasion, a company's mid-level cadres to Hainan tourism in the photo when the ends of the earth, but found him missing. Only later did I know that his own long distances to see the dog went to a farm. Returned, others to buy a large pocket of tropical souvenirs, he was holding an ugly dog south.
Blade to modify the rules and regulations and I racked his brains, and finally be completed within the time prescribed. In addition to modify the rules and regulations, we also mean by the manager, the new proposed the abolition of the company's cadres to go out on aCheap air force onecar which states: Any deputy manager following the cadres (including the assistant manager, including department manager, the director) out, the company not send a car all their own by bus, receive 8 yuan for travel grants. Quite understand the meaning of this provision, the company's manager of vehicle owned by one person only had deployed.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 125
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-11
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-11


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