Trust yourself

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-27 16:40:15

Trust yourself
I have a friend named Monty Robertsretro jordanwho owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. The last time I was there he introduced meair max 360by saying, “I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of anshox r4itinerant horse trainer who would go from stablenike shoxto stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to writeair max 95a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.”
  “That night heBuy paintingswrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stablesnike shox shoesand the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dreammax 90ranch.” “He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, ‘See me after class.’”
  “The boy with the dream went toair jordan shoessee the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive an F?’” “The teacher said, ‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You havejordan sneakersno resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher added, ‘If you will rewrite thismax ltdpaper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.’” “The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father whacheap jordanst he should do. His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’”
  “Finally, after sitting with itFlower oil paintingfor a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.’” Monty then turned to the assembled groupFine art oil paintingand said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in mynike shox4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is thaair maxt two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.” When the teacher was leaving, he said, ‘Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. Duringair jordan shoesthose years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.’” Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.
Just because someone doesn't love youglue gunthe way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.But that's not what I mean at all. I look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will neverair jordanslearn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with anwholesale handbagsemotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever. I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without thinking: "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That whenair maxshe sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becomingnike shox shoesa mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 231
  • 日志数: 15
  • 建立时间: 2010-02-27
  • 更新时间: 2010-02-27


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