Select a suitable package to match your female form

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-30 17:18:24 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

        Select a suitable package to match your female form, can add points to your overall style. a lot, but the wrong woman bag, not only will add color to your style,christian louboutin sale replica, but makes modeling look extremely poor.So while a woman in the focus on apparel,chanel handbags  women bag of choice is also important, and today I will tell you how to choose their own style. handbags,moncler vest purple, as we hope to provide some assistance with daily.balenciage bags

1, clear type.This type of female package name suggests, a rich vibrant color,herve leger sale uk, style. and lively, bringing a fresh feel.louis vuitton This type of woman wrapped in spring and summer is more frequently used, because this season's clothes, color and more to light color, just with colorful handbags, but this type of women do not choose the best package too much style,I personally think that the big colorful bag is more suitable for Europe and the United States were tall figure and skin color, very difficult to back out of the kind of tropical Asian style, they still choose compact models is relatively high safety factor.

2, steady type.This type of package is more suitable female office workers,christian louboutin sale, more than the color black, coffee,anya hidmarch handbagswhite or dark color system Check as many.prada handbags sale White-collar work,valentino handbags replica, taking into account the need to wear suits, and clothing colors are mostly black, white, coffee,hermes bagsdark lines,givenchy bags 2010, so choose the bag in the style. and detail, should have a distinctive style, like tassels, rivets, metal chain, inlaydecorative details,christian louboution knockoffs cheap, is able to increase a dull color highlights.

3, leisure.This more casual handbags, women Messenger bag, backpack, shoulder-based, best season to go shopping, picnic bag use women.versace bags Such bags are typically much larger, have sufficient capacity, mostly canvas fabric,fendidenim fabric-based.And these bags are very suitable for DIY, like bags decorated badges, hanging girls, can enjoy to display their talents with your friends.

4, luxury type.miu miu handbagsOpportunities for women to use this package relatively small, generally applicable to banquets, parties, weddings and other occasions.In the fabric of choice,moncler kids jackets, you can choose silk, beads and other beautiful shiny materials,yslstyles, on to the main bag and hand bag, the best choice for compact size, can be fully shown female modesty, elegance.

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