Why Some of Us Hate to Cry

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Why Some of Us Hate to Cry
A new study reveals why cryingbuzzercan feel so pointless.Psychologists at the University of South Florida and Tilburg University, Netherlands, analyzed volunteers' detailed accounts of more than 3,000 recent crying episodes and found that the benefitsembroidery digitizingof crying depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular crying episode.
For example, the effects of crying dependfuel filteron who is shedding the tears. A majority of the volunteers reported improvements in their mood after a crying session, possibly from receiving social support during their episode. However, one third of the survey participants reported no improvement in mood and a tenth felt worse after they cried their emotions out.Individuals with anxiety or mood disorders were least likely to experiencestainless steel jewelrythe positive effects of crying.Also, the researchers report that people who lack insight into their emotional lives (a condition known as alexithymia) actually feel worse after crying. This suggests that a lack of emotional insight may restrictladies handbagthe mind’s ability to transform. an upsetting moment into something positive.These findings are detailed in the December 2008 issue of the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science.Humans' propensityCoffee tableto shedding tears has had psychologists scratching their heads for a while. The question is how such a simple behavior. as crying could benefit us.
It turns out that cryingPigment yellowspecifically helps control breathing to overcome the body’s negatively aroused state, University of South Florida researchers Jonathan Rottenberg and Lauren M. Bylsma and their Tilburg colleague found.Whenauto fuel filtera person experiences overwhelming stress and arousal, his or her heart rate increases and body begins to sweat. But as a person cries, his or her breathing slows, rendering a calming effect, Rottenberg said.WhenSolid State Relaythe body tries to calm itself, the calming effect usually lasts longer than the unpleasant stress reaction that is associated with it, he said, suggesting why people tend to remember mostly the pleasant side of crying.It’s great when the things I write about and my real life converge so beautifully. Today I have ababy powderguest post up on Scott Young’s blog … I recommend you go check it out, as it’s something I originally planned to run here on Zen Habits.
The Vast, Unstatable Importance of a Positivebaby shampooAttitude,And while writing about the importance of a positive attitude, I had a good talk with my 8-year-old daughter, Maia, about the same topic. We bought her a book she chose for herself, but after reading a chapter or so, she decided it was too hard and she didn’t like the book.So she and I sat down and talked aboutblu ray copya positive attitude. I told her that if she had a negative attitude about the book, she wouldn’t enjoy it. But if she tried to have a positive attitude, the book could actually be very enjoyable.Now, I know that many people have a very cynical view of positive thinkingBridal dressesI was one of them. But I’ve found that it makes a huge difference in everything I do these days. And it made a big difference to my daughter. I’m so proud of her — she really tried to enjoy the book (Far-Flung Adventures: Corby Flood) and do her best with the difficult words … and guess what? She LOVED the book. She read it in two days, and now she wants to buy the series.WhichBike helmetmight be a bit expensive, and goes to show that positive thinking can bite you in the arse sometimes. ;) But who cares? She LOVED the book. She’s developing a great reading habit, and a thirst for more reading. Andbath safetyshe’s developing a positive attitude that I believe will help her immensely, for the rest of her life.
I wrote awhile back about some powerful reasons to drive slower, and it’s something I believe in and really try to do.Most of the time.Most of the time, I drive relatively slowly — not like a turtle, but just not speeding around like I used to doKitchen cabinetsand it’s calming and so much less stressful than it used to be.Unfortunately, yesterday I was late for a meeting and so I was speeding. And I got pulled over, and got a ticket.Serves me right for not following my own advice.Sometimes, I don’t follow my own advice. I’m not perfect. I fall, but I try to get back up. And that’s what matters — not the falling, but the getting back up.I’m going to drive slower, and will learn from my mistakes. I hope you will too.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 162
  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-01-30


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