George Washington

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George Washington
George Washington, a child living on a farm in Virginia.His father taught him to ride a horse, often with young George to the farm to work, so my son can grow up to learn farmingbridesmaid dresses.break raised horses.Washington had a beautiful orchard, which was planted with apple, peach, pear, plums trees and cherry trees.
On one occasion, Mr. Washington bought a tree from the other side of the ocean a good cherry tree varietieswedding dressesHe was very fond of classic cherry tree and the edge of trees in the orchard and the farm owner told it to strictly bar,The information provided must not be allowed to any person., When the cherry trees are growing wellbridesmaid dresses.Spring, a tree full of wasting time, sending up bursts of talent, it is hard for many busy bees all around.
Think of how long it will not be able to eat the fruit of a cherry tree, Mr. Washington are very happy.At about that time, George was given a shiny ax.George likes to this ax, he has takenunlocked phones. it is felled tree branches cut down a fence and see what can be said to be cutting down anything.One day, while I wondered how sharp the ax, went to the side of the orchard behind, and raised the ax Hundreds backyard cherry treecheap phone.Since the bark is very soft, George did not put much effort trees cut down the costs.He then went to another default.That evening, President finishes his farm in Washington, led horses back shedslost wax casting, and then to see the cherry tree orchard.I did not expect that their beloved tree had been cut down to the ground, he stood there stupefied by almost could not believe my own eyes.
Who dares to do so?He asked everyone, but one does not know.At this moment, from George happen after next."George," my father shouted out, with angry tone."Do you know who my cherry tree to deathignition coil? "This can be difficult for George to live, to see her father so angry.He realized his impulsive owner of the disaster.He hum browsers for a while, but quickly resumed consciousness."I am not a liar, fatherboat model," he said, "I was a hack with an ax. "Mr. saw George Washington.Shabai that children face, but his father's eyes open heart."I went home, my son. "Mr. Washington said sternlynfl jerseys supplier.George walked into the library, and wait for his father.
He felt very, also feel very ashamed.He knew it was too rash, dry pieces of things, it is hardly surprising that his father unhappy.After a while, Mr. Washington walked into the libraryendoscope surgery appliance."I came here, the children. "He said.George obedient to walk father.






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  • 访问量: 218
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-25
  • 更新时间: 2010-01-25


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