Street (il)legal: Q&A with Banksy

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-08 10:38:05 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Street (il)legal: Q&A with BanksyStreet (il)legal: Q&A with BanksyPassersby stop and stare at a life-size drawing on a public corner of male police officers passionately kissing. Disneyland visitors stumble across an Abu Ghraib–jumpsuited dummy near a ride.#x Tourists gawk at graffiti depicting kids playing in front of a wall,Cord embroiderywith a tropical paradise peeking through a gaping hole. (Did we mention that the “wall” is the West Bank barrier in Israel?) These guerrilla murals and gonzo pranks are just a few you’ll see in Exit Through the Gift Shop, an extraordinary street-art doc featuring—and made by—the mystery man responsible for those subversive pièces de résistance: Banksy. TONY conducted an interview with this reclusive graffiti legend and reluctant filmmaker via e-mail.

You inherited all this random footage from Thierry Guetta (a.k.a. Mr. Brainwash), who’d started shooting you and street artist Shepard Fairey years ago and couldn’t finish the movie.#x What made you think, I could make a documentary out of this? The beauty of having no idea how to make a movie is that I thought I could do it. Basically, this new art form. was emerging that was a true global movement. It needed to be recorded and preserved accurately for posterity. And that’s the film I haven’t made.

Do you see Exit justifying the idea that street art is equal to what’s hanging in galleries?

Should graffiti be judged on the same level as modern art? Of course not: It’s way more important than that. Hopefully street art will stop being trendy.Cord embroideryThey say the quickest way to kill a man’s ideas is to make him fashionable.

What’s more subversive: making socially conscious art that smacks people out of their stupor, or getting paid and becoming famous from it?

I wouldn’t want to be remembered as the guy who contaminated a perfectly legitimate form. of protest art with money and celebrities. I do sometimes question whether I’m part of the solution or part of the problem. For example: I’m getting pressure from my distributor to take out billboards for the film. Now, I hate billboards; they’re just corporate vandalism. And yet last week I was thinking, Well…maybe a couple won’t hurt.… There’s obviously nothing wrong with selling your art—only an idiot with a trust fund would tell you otherwise. But it’s confusing to know how far you should take it. I don’t read books or listen to music made by people in their spare time,#x so I guess the vandalism I look at shouldn’t be any different. I want it performed by professionals at the highest level.

You must get a lot of flak for that opinion.Cord embroidery

People ask, How do I sleep at night? Very well,NFL Jerseys, actually. Because I’m an alcoholic.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 9889
  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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