ATM manufacturer

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-31 17:00:32 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

ATM manufacturerATM manufacturerFishman, 46, has served as the company's interim CFO#x since October 2009, the latest in a series of senior financial management roles he has held since joiningNCR partsin 1993. The appointment was made after extensive consideration of internal and external candidates.

NCR's assisted- and self-service and kiosk solutions can be found in retail, financial, travel, healthcare,State Flags, hospitality, entertainment, gaming and public sector organizations in more than 100 countries.

"Bob's proven himself to be an outstanding contributor throughout his career at NCR," Nuti said. "He will facilitate a seamless transition with our senior leadership team and the finance organization. In addition to a very strong background in finance, Bob brings an invaluable depth of NCR experience to the CFO role. He's built great teams and helped manage through some of the most complex periods in recentNCR partscompany history."

Fishman earlier served as interim CFO from May 2007 through January 2008, during which time he was instrumental in managing the successful spinoff of Teradata, NCR's former data warehousing business, while leading the finance organization during a period of consistent financial performance and company success.

"I'm delighted to take on this role in this great company at this time," Fishman said. "My experiences over the past 17 years have given me confidence in my ability to add value. I look forward to working with Bill and the rest of NCR's leadership team toward our vision and business goals."

Earlier in his career, Fishman served in a variety of senior financial roles atNCR parts, including corporate controller, vice president of corporate planning, assistant corporate controller, chief financial officer of the Payment Solutions division, director of mergers and acquisitions and #xdirector of planning and pricing in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

TAG: flags ncr parts state





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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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