Lighting audit leads to lighter bills for motor cross company Fox Head Inc
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Lighting audit leads to lighter bills for motor cross company Fox Head Inc.Lighting audit leads to lighter bills for motor cross company Fox Head Inc.With its products aimed at the adults of tomorrow, #xyouth and motor sports apparel designer and manufacturer Fox Head Inc. has made an investment in its own future — cutting its lighting costs by more than half.Metal halide lampPaul McDonald, facilities manager for the family-owned, privately held Fox Head, said company officials looked into energy efficiency by conducting an audit. The company surveyed its 37,NCR parts,000 square feet of headquarters office space in two buildings and 77,000-square-foot warehouse through the RightLights Efficient Lighting Program.The program is a cooperative effort of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Ecology Action of Santa Cruz to help small and medium-size businesses throughout Santa Clara, San Benito,Metal halide lampSanta Cruz and Monterey counties reduce their lighting bills.“We met with our PG&E representative to review where we stood with our utility billings,”#x McDonald said. “We had been lighting our warehouse with 400-watt, high-energy metal halide light fixtures.”By switching out the light bulbs, the company has reduced its lighting costs at that site by 60 percent, or about $32,000 a year. McDonald said the switch-over results in a reduction of 269,000 kilowatt hours of lighting demand. The bulb switch will also decrease the company’s annual output of greenhouse gases by 141,000 pounds.Metal halide lampWalk-through saves money
PG&E put McDonald in touch with Ecology Action,#x a nonprofit environmental consulting business based in downtown Santa Cruz. People from the Ecology Action Energy Group conduct walk-through evaluations and issue rebate checks directly to companies that participate in the RightLights program.Access Fixtures Launches New ExpertGrow lightCFL and HIDGrow LightsMetal halide lampaudit leads to lighter bills for motor cross company Fox Head Inc.InsulatedMetal halide lampsSubstrates for LED ApplicationsUniversity of Pittsburgh Researchers FindMetal halide bulbMost Cost Effective and Environmentally Friendly in Cradle-to-Grave ComparisonCollege Receives $95680 forMetal halide bulbs相关的主题文章: