Suspected gunman in Pentagon shooting acted alone, officials say

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-06 09:54:19 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Suspected gunman in Pentagon shooting acted alone, officials saySuspected gunman in Pentagon shooting acted alone, officials sayThe shooter, identified as 36-year-old John Patrick Bedell,Grow lightswas dressed in a business suit and carried two semiautomatic weapons and "many magazines" of ammunition,Mold, Keevill said. "He walked very directly to the officers and engaged," Keevill said.

Officers Jeffrey Amos and Marvin Carraway were superficially wounded, one in the shoulder and one in the thigh. Both were treated at George Washington University Hospital in Northwest Washington and released. They and a third officer returned fire at Bedell, critically wounding him in the head, said Keevill, chief of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency.

Bedell died at George Washington University Hospital.

Federal law enforcement sources identified #xthe guns allegedly used by Bedell as a Sturm 9mm and a Taurus 9mm. Investigators are tracing the origins of the weapons and checking to see whether Bedell had permits for them.

Keevill said police and the FBI are examining surveillance video thatGrow lightsshows Bedell as he approached the Pentagon, and have tracked his road trip to the Washington area from California over the past several weeks. Investigators located his car at a nearby parking garage and impounded it, and are processing the evidence found inside -- including more ammunition.

Police are looking at possible anti-government Internet postings by Bedell, Keevill said, and still trying to establish his motive for the attack at a doorway to the nation's defense headquarters -- one of the busiest, most prominent and closely guarded buildings in the Washington area.

"There are no indications at this point that there are any international or domestic connections to this incident at all," Keevill said. "At this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues."

No one else was injured in the incident, which police said unfolded in less than a minute.

Pentagon police spokesman Chris Layman said both Amos and Carraway have been with the force a little more than a year. Amos is a veteran of the Air Force, Layman said, while Carraway, of Clinton, is a former Marine.

Like all members of #xthe Pentagon force, the officers completed a 22-week training course at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center run by the Department of Homeland Security, Layman said. They were checking ID badges outsideGrow lightsthe Pentagon when they came under attack.

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