Poway, Calif.: Body found near lake believed to be missing teen

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-04 12:27:44 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Poway, Calif.: Body found near lake believed to be missing teenPoway, Calif.: Body found near lake believed to be missing teenPoway, Calif. ? The intense search for a San Diego County high school student ended Tuesday when authorities unearthed a body in a shallow grave near the lakeside park where the popular teenager had gone running last week.

There is a "strong likelihood" that the body is that of Chelsea King, a senior at Poway High School, #xthough a positive identification had yet to be made, said San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore.

The teenager's family is devastated, he said at a news conference,christmas decorationadding, "They were holding out hope as we all were that we would find Chelsea alive."

A dive team found the body on a tributary of Lake Hodges, in a wooded area that had been the focus of an extensive search since Saturday, after a shoe was found in the area. A diver working his way up the tributary saw debris about 10 feet from the water, which led to the grave, Gore said.

The site is about one-half mile from the parking lot at Rancho Bernardo Community Park, where King had left her car before heading out on the trail.

News of the discovery quickly spread in the upscale San Diego suburb, #x where thousands of volunteers -- students, senior citizens,christmas decorationfriends, and family -- had joined hundreds of law enforcement officials hiking for miles in rough terrain to help find the missing teenager.

The suspect in the case,samurai swords, John Albert Gardner III,christmas decorationa 30-year-old registered sex offender, will be criminally charged

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