These three soldiers will take you to Paris

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-19 00:18:41 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

These three soldiers will take you to ParisThese three soldiers will take you to ParisJust at that moment a bank clerk put an old, unopened letter on Mr Lorry's deskDiamond blades, and Darnay happened to see the name on it:The Marquis of Evrémonde, at Tellson's Bank,Military Flags,

London. Since his uncle's deathDiamond blades, this was Darnay's real name. On the morning of his wedding to Lucie he had told Dr Manette, but the Doctor had made him promise to keep his name secret. Not even Lucie or Mr Lorry knew. 'We can't find this Marquis, ' said the clerk.

'I know where to find him, ' said Darnay.'Shall I take the letter?' 'That would be very kind, ' said Mr Lorry. As soon as he had left the bank, Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle, who had been arrested and taken to Paris. Monsieur, once the Marquis

I am in prison, and I may lose my life, because I worked for a landowner who has left France. You told me to work for the people and not against them, and I have done this. But no one believes me. They say only that I worked for an emigrant, and where is that emigrant? Oh Monsieur, please help me#x, I beg you!

This cry for help made Darnay very unhappy. After the death of the Marquis, he had told Gabelle to do his best for the people. But now Gabelle was in prison, just because he was employed by a nobleman. It was clear to Darnay that he must go to Paris. He did not think that he would be in danger, as he had done everything he could to help the people of his villageDiamond blades. He hoped that he would be able to save his old servant.

That night Charles Darnay sat up late, writing two letters. One was to his wife, Lucie;the other was to her father, Dr Manette. He told them where he had gone and why, and he promised that he would write to them from France. He had left secretly, he wrote, to save them from worrying.

The next day he went out#x, without saying anything to them of his plans. He kissed his wife and his daughter, and said that he would be back soon. And then he began his journey to Paris.

When he arrived in France, Darnay found that he could travel only very, very slowly towards Paris. The roads were bad and every town, every village had its citizens with guns who stopped all travellers, asked them questions, looked at their papers, made them wait or threw them in prison, turned them back or sent them on their way. And it was all done in the name of freedom—the new Freedom of France.

Darnay soon realized that he could not turn back until he had reached Paris and proved himself to be a good citizen, not an enemy of the people. On his third night in France he was woken by an official and three other men with guns.

'Emigrant,' said the official.'These three soldiersDiamond bladeswill take you to Paris, and you must pay them.'

TAG: blade blades diamond flags military





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 9893
  • 日志数: 499
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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