Healthy Snacks to Control Hunger

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-11 15:55:14 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Healthy Snacks to Control HungerHealthy Snacks to Control HungerSnacking has become part of the #xAmericanPolyester curtaindiet. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, kids today snack twice as often as kids did 20 years ago. But snacking isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Smart snacking can be part of a healthy eating plan — it doesn't have to mean wolfing down junk food. Eating healthy snacks can help curb your hunger, keep you from overeating at mealtimes, and provide energy for your busy day.

"The key to healthy snacks is to plan them so that you are not snacking impulsively," says Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN, clinical associate professor at Boston University. "You can use a healthy snack to add important nutrients you need in your diet and to keep you away from those empty calories at the vending machine."

The key to healthy snacking is picking healthy snack foods. "Choose foods that you need in your diet, like low-fat dairy products for calcium and vitamin D, and fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Studies show that Americans need more of these nutrients, and your snack is a good place to get them,Energy saving lamp," says Blake. HealthyPolyester curtainsnacks can also:

Control hunger. Snacks that are high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains make you feel full; therefore, you'll be less likely to overeat at mealtime. Boost energy. Timing snacks throughout your day can keep you energized and alert. Curb cravings. Planning a healthy snack during your day will help you avoid indulgences like a chocolate bar or chips. Tips for Snacking

Strategizing your snacking habits will help you make smarter choices about what and when to eat. "You need to develop healthy eating habits around snacking just as you do with the rest of your diet. Mindless snacking should be avoided," warns Blake. Here are some additional smart snacking tips:

Control portions. Snacks should be kept to about 250 calories. Consider timing. Blake recommends snacking when you’re hungry and need the energy, such as mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and avoiding after-dinner snacking. Plan ahead. Make healthy snacks at home and bring them with you. Take along healthy beverages, too, so you #xwon’t be tempted byPolyester curtainsoda. Make the right selections.

TAG: energy saving





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  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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