Will 2010 be the Year of the Political Comeback?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-29 16:50:54 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Will 2010 be the Year of the Political Comeback?Will 2010 be the Year of the Political Comeback?"We've got an inexperienced governor who is in over his head," said Branstad, referring to #xDemocrat Chet Culver. "I was governor during someHalogen bulbtougher times. I was governor during the farm crisis of the 1980s -- from 1983 until January of 1999."

With experience, however, comes a lengthy record which can be picked apart by opponents.

"Welcome to history, part two," Ehrlich said to scores of supporters. "Welcome to history" was the opening line of Ehrlich's Nov. 5, 2002 victory speech.

Ehrlich's comeback bid in Maryland is part of a broader national trend.

In total, five former governors -- three Democrats and two Republicans -- are gunning for their old jobs in 2010.

They are the Grover Clevelands of state politics. The former New York governor is the onlyHalogen bulbpresident who was elected to non-consecutive terms, in 1885 and again in 1893.

The five ex-governors who want another shot at their state's top job are California's Jerry Brown (D), Oregon's John Kitzhaber (D), Georgia's Roy Barnes (D), Iowa's Terry Branstad (R),ATM Parts, and Maryland's Ehrlich (R).

In their current races, the former governors have the advantage of being well-known, well-connected, and well-tested.

Meg Whitman, the former eBay CEO who is likely to be Brown's Republican opponent in California, told ABC News in Novemberthat Brown's lengthy record of government service would not be an asset at a time when public dissatisfaction is running high with Sacramento.

"I'm not a career politician," said Whitman. "I spent 30 years in business. I can tell you that people in California have had it with career politicians: they are done. You have probably seen the Legislature has a 13 or 14 percent approval rating. That was true of Congress when I traveled with John McCain (during his 2008 presidential campaign) and he used to say: 'We're down to blood relatives and paid staffers with #xa 13 percentHalogen bulbapproval rating.'"

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  • 访问量: 8675
  • 日志数: 500
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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