Warren Buffett Rocks Out

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-07 10:54:23 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Warren Buffett Rocks OutWarren Buffett Rocks OutHe is the biggest of financial rock stars. Now it looks like Warren E. Buffett just wants to rock out.

The Oracle of Omaha made a guest appearance in a music video #xproduced byOffset Platesemployees of Geico, the insurer he owns through Berkshire Hathaway. And what an appearance: Mr. Buffett is decked out in the bandana, long hair and kilt that are the trademarks of the Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose.

And Mr. Buffett even croons — sort of — as part of the soaring (and catchy) power ballad, an ode to Geico’s customer service. Watch the video after the jump.

Time caught up with Geico to find out how the company got the world’s second-richest man to reveal hisOffset Platesarena-rocker side:

Geico puts together a video each year to play at the company’s annual employees meeting, which was held in February. Geico employees star in the video and film it, and Buffett has taken part in the shoot for the past four years, says Phil Ovuka, director of creative media services at Geico. Buffett played a DJ one year and a hobo another year. But this year, Ovuka wanted to push the envelope a little further: “We thought — what’s the most ridiculous getup we could think up for Warren — and thought, nah, we can’t do that,” says Ovuka.

But Buffett agreed. When asked why,Carbon fiber hood, he replied: “I’m having trouble finding an agent that will take me on.”

what an appearance: Mr. Buffett is decked out in the bandana, long hair and kilt that are the trademarks of the Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose.Geico puts together a video each year to play at the company’s annual employees meeting, which was held in February. Geico employees star in the video and film it, and Buffett has taken part in the shoot for the past four years, saysOffset PlatesPhil Ovuka#x, director of creative media services at Geico.

TAG: carbon fiber





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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