Miley Cyrus Talks Liam Helmsworth, Taking Time Off From Music

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-15 12:31:43 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Miley Cyrus Talks Liam Helmsworth, Taking Time Off From MusicMiley Cyrus Talks Liam Helmsworth, Taking Time Off From MusicIn the forthcoming issue of Teen Vogue,Asphalt Bladeteen queen Miley Cyrus sits down with her "Last Song" co-star and real-life boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth,google排名,#x to talk about the pair's instant chemistry with one another, as well as her career future now that she's bidding the world of Hannah Montana a fond farewell for more adult pastures in flicks like "The Last Song" and her cameo in the "Sex and the City" film sequel.

"I think we're both deeper than normal people — what they think and how they feel," Cyrus says about Hemsworth in the April issue, hitting newsstands March 16. "He's very grateful for what he has, but he doesn't let it go to his head. I'm like that too."

And while his down-to-Earth nature may have stuck with Cyrus, it was his height that initially caught her eye. "He's really tall. I thought, either I'm going to have to be in heels or standing on something for this entire movie!" she said. "He definitely showed chivalry: I remember him opening the door for the director, and I was like, 'Wow.' "

Hemsworth jokingly chimed in, "I have very good parents.Asphalt BladeIt was funny — working with Miley was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. From the first time we read, #xit was like I had known her before."

Cyrus is can easily be defined as a "quadruple threat," but it's Hemsworth's focus on just acting that she found most refreshing while shooting the flick. "It's refreshing to work with an actor who isn't also a singer and dancer and musician and artist and this and that," she explained. "I'm sick of quadruple threats who do everything when they should stick to one thing."

Cyrus herself has been hard at work on her next album, but she admitted that music isn't inspiring her the way it should be. "The more I make music that doesn't truly inspire me, the more I feel like I'm blending in with everyone else," she said. "So after this next album, I'm taking some time off."

So, what's next for Cyrus then aside from "The Last Song" due out on March 31. Easy,#x lots: "I'm working on lots of different films: drama, action, comedy,"Asphalt Bladeshe says of her post-Hannah Montana life. "I like challenges, so I'm doing a little bit of everything."

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