primarily the liver, cod liver oil, egg yolk. Plant food can only provide the vi

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-09 16:02:10 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Part (b) Understanding Eye ElementVitamin A and β-carotene help to Bugan eyesight, relieve eyestrain. Vitamin A found in a variety of animals,primarily the liver, cod liver oil, egg yolk. Plant food can only provide the vitamin A of the original.β-carotene foundHealth foodmainly in carrots, tomatoes, spinach, leeks, apricots, sweet potatoes and other yellow #xfruits and vegetables in the green.

Vitamin C is also very beneficial to the eyes. Vitamin C content of human eyes than in the blood several times higher. With age, vitamin C content significantly#x decreased, lens malnutrition,Health foodover time can cause degeneration of the lens. So, want to eat vitamin C-rich vegetables and fruit.

Carrots are rich in sucrose, glucose,#x starch, etc., of which vitamin A content of most similar to its role and cod liver oil. In addition, the carrot is also rich in carotene, can maintain the health of the eyes and skin.

Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, #xcrude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin, etc. It is not only a high nutritional value of vegetables, but also eye high quality goods.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, #xorganicHealth foodacids and a small amount of protein. Because with acidic, so the protection of the role of vitamin C, can not be easily destroyed during cooking.

Chinese chives are rich in vitamin A former, vitamin C, #xalso contains protein, fat,NCR parts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber, and volatile oil. In addition, leeks also contain antibiotic substances, with a seasoned, bactericidal effect.

Wolfberry is rich in carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, iron, etc., is necessary for eye health, nutrition. Adds to the growing Chinese wolfberry#x chrysanthemum tea can play Liver eyesight effect.

Green peppers rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium,#x phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, vegetables, vitamin C content in the highest.

Apricot contains the right amount of vitamin C and rich in#x vitamin A former, but also sugar, protein, fat, inorganic salts, vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 and so on, is a high nutritional value of fruit.

Dates rich in nutrition, beneficial to human body contains 14#x kinds of amino acids, vitamin content than apples, bananas a few times, there is a "living vitamin pills," the laudatory name.

TAG: ncr parts





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