Hands fell into the water

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-18 14:33:52 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Hands fell into <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'the');" target="_self"><u><strong>the</strong></u></a> waterHands fell into the waterHe threw himself at me and I jumped to one sidesamurai swords,leaving him to fall on the deck.Quickly,I took a pistol from my pocket and aimed it at him----he powder was wet and the pistol didn't fire!He got up and came at me with surprising speed,but suddenly the Hispaniola hit the sand and went over on one side.We were.both thrown down and began to roll across the deck,but I was on my feet first and climbed up into the sails,hand over hand.When I was in a safe place,I loaded my pistols,this time with dry powder.

Hands was pulling himself up among the sails now#x,the knife between his teeth. ‘One more step,’I said,‘and I'll kill you!’ ‘Jim,’he said.He took the knife from his mouth to speak,and looked beaten.‘We'll have to make peace,you and I.You're too sharp and quick for an old sailor like me…’

But then,with a sudden movement,his hand went back and something went speeding through the air.I felt a sharp pain,and I was pinned to the mast by my shoulder.In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment,both my pistols went off and fell from my hands.

They did not fall alone.With a cry,Hands fell into the water.He came up,the water around him red from his blood,then he went down again,for ever.

I felt sick and frightened.The blood from my wound ran over my back and chestsamurai swords,and the knife seemed to burn like hot iron.But I was trembling so badly that it shook the knife out of my skin,and I could move again.I climbed down through the sails,then went below to tie up my wound.There was a lot of blood but it wasn't deep.Next,I went up on deck.It was now evening and a light wind was blowing,so I lowered the sails before climbing down a rope and into the sea.

The water was only waist-deep and I walked ashore.The sun had gone now and,Construction Equipment,once on dry land,I began to walk to the stockade.Perhaps the others would blame me for deserting,I thought,but Captain Smollett would be pleased I had taken the Hispaniola,I was sure.

When I reached the stockade,the house lay in dark shadow.But on the other side,a large fire had almost burned itself out.This seemed strange,as it had not been our habit to build lange fires.

There were no sounds,except for the wind in the trees,and I went quietly round to the eastern side,keeping in the shadows.As I came nearer to the corner of the house,I heard my friends breathing loudly as they slept,and at once felt happier again.I got to the door and looked in,but all was dark and I could see nothing.With my arms out in front of me,I walked in.

Suddenly,there was a high voice screaming in the darkness:‘#xPieces of eight!Pieces of eight!Pieces of eight!’It was Silver's parrot,Captain Flint!

Immediately,men began to wake up,and I heard Silver's voice shout,‘Who's there?’

I turned to run,crashed violently against one personsamurai swords,then ran straight into the arms of another.

TAG: construction samurai swords





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 8675
  • 日志数: 500
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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