The end of the story2
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<a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'The');" target="_self"><u><strong>The</strong></u></a> end of the story2The end of the story2The by went off like a bullet from a gun.‘I'll send the turkey to Bob Cratchit's!Diamond Polishing padslaughed Scrooge.‘He'll never know who's sent it!It's twice as big as Tiny Tim!Ha ha ha!’He went on laughing as he wrote Bob's address,gave it to the man with the turkey,and paid for a taxi,because the turkey was much too heavy to carry all the way to Camden Town.Now he finished dressing,and went out into the streets, wearing his best clothes.The town was full of happy, busy people,and Scrooge smiled at all of them.Three or four men said cheerfully to him, ‘Good morning,sir! And a merry Christmas to you!’scrooge thought these were the best sounds that he had ever heard.As he was walking, he suddenly noticed one of the comfortable-looking gentlemen who had come to his office to ask for money for the poor.Scrooge went straight up to him, took the old gentleman by both hands,and said,‘My dear sir,how are you? A merry Christmas to you, sir!’‘Mr Scrooge?’asked the gentleman,#x surprised.‘Yes, that's my name.I'm very sorry for what I said to you when you visited me yesterday.Will you please—’and he spoke very quietly in the gentleman's ear.‘Good Heavens!’cried the gentleman.‘My dear Mr Scrooge,are you serious?’‘I am.Not a shilling less.I must tell you,I haven't given anything to anyone for years.’‘My dear sir!’said the gentleman,Diamond Polishing padsshaking hands with him.‘I don't know how to thank you for—’Don't say anything,please,’replied Scrooge.‘Will you come and see me tomorrow about it?’‘I will!’cried the old gentleman happily.‘Thank you,and God bless you!’said Scrooge.He went to church, and watchedDiamond Polishing padsthe people,and gave children money for sweets,Energy saving bulb, and discovered that he had never been so happy in his life.In the afternoon he went to his nephew's house He passed the door several times before he was brave enough to knock.But at last he did it,and was taken into the sitting-room,where Fred #x and his pretty wife were waiting for their friends to arrive for dinner.相关的主题文章: