The Work of Worry1

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-18 18:43:05

The Work of Worry1
Carolyn’s is a classic case of procrastination, investing our energy in anxiousformal dressesfretting instead of in our ostensibly chosen work. Procrastination has a lot of negative qualities, but here, the importantwedding dressesthing is that when we procrastinate work that we’d be a lot better off finishing, we actually create more work forBridal dressesourselves in the form. of worry. The guilt, the self-recriminations, the excuses – these are all work. Stupid, unproductive, useless work.
One of the things that struck me most when I interviewed Regina Leeds, authorchina brandof One Year to an Organized Life, was her insistence that even the worst disorganization is a system it takes a lot of workchina phonesand effort to maintain a chaotic life. Part of that effort is just finding everything, but part of it is the worry and fear we feel that we won’t be able to find what we need, that something important will get lost, that others will judge us harshly, that we won’t work quickly orr4iefficiently enough, and do on. Though the start-up costs of a more efficient system can be somewhat steep, the long-term gain in productive non-worrying generally outweighs by far the negative feelings we pay for the privilege of disorganization.
By the same token, after a certain point ourwomens apparelorganization system can become its own source of anxiety, as we spend more time and effort worrying about where things go or about putting things in the wrong place that we stop getting done the things that the organization system was ostensibly supposed to make possible.This is a tough one: goals that we’ve set for ourselves that either alwaysNaruto Cosplaywere or that we ultimately realize are beyond our ability to achieve. Nothing hangs on us like an unfinished project, and to save ourselves from the stigma and shame of failure, we are often hesitant to let go of tasks we simply cannot complete. This is why it’s important to set attainable goals, and to accept failure and learn from it when we can – the alternative is a lifetime of regret and worry.






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  • 访问量: 212
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-01-18


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