But as to Madonna herself

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-31 10:17:46

Madonna is absolutely theed hardyleader of music and dressing, but in the eyes of her twelve-year old daughter, she is "so vulgar that always wear tacky sportswear". But as a matter of matter, these "gaudy sportswear" in Lourdes's eyeswow goldare all from Ed hardy collections which are popular among Hollywood superstars. It seems that Madonna never grow old, who is still the Queen in the world of popular music although she has entered her fifty's. As a lover of fitness, she most likes to wear T-shirt, pants, and sport shoes except under some special occasions, for instance, taking cover shoot, attending fashion parties, and holding personal concerts. Sometimes, she even wears the waterproof plastic overcoat which looks like putting on a refuse bag, making her daughter and husband burst out laugh at once.NHL JerseysThis kind of dress is not only her favorite when doing exercise, but also when she picks up her daughter. She ever said "my Ed hardy clothes and similar sportswear often makes my daughter angry, she often directly tells me "Mom, please wear some normal clothes when picking up me, OK?" since my Ed hardy dresses damage to her reputation." She also revealed that her daughter wanted her to look like the Queen and wore some elegant or sexy clothes. But as to Madonna herself, she just wants to wear common and comfortable dress in private. Besides, her sportswear is far away from "ordinary". Her Ed hardy shirts is over S$200; gym shoes are from famous brand MBT, which cost about GBP200 to GBP250.
Obviously, we must admit the existence of the generation gap, at least on the opinion of Madonna and her daughter toward Edtravel in chinahardy series. It has been 10 years since David Beckham and Victoria Beckham got married. In memory of the important moment, this celebrity couple came to the resort Seychelles on the Indian Ocean. You might not know actually know Beckham was one of Ed Hardy’s big fans.Give Your Attention to the Most Expensive ed hardy For November So you could unsurprisingly see their stunning figure that David and Victoria Beckham were wearing the bathing suits of Ed Hardy. Do You Have ed hardy shoes ? Vanessa Hudgens Fancy It Very Much! The twoUGGSseemed more attractive and started their favorite game: killing the film. To View Best ed hardy clothes for Aunt9 Signs Reminds You to Transform. Your ed hardy clothes
It is said that they had started to prepare for their Tin Wedding since May. A few days ago, they booked a five-star hotel on the Seychelles Islands for 10 days. And they spent nearly 20 million to ensureghd hair straightenersthat they were the only customers on the island so as to make the 10-day holiday to be their romantic "Garden of Eden."






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  • 访问量: 232
  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-31
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-31


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