there are also pass by the moment

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-31 10:11:20

None of us who will notcheap ugg bootsbe turning back people, we just passing each other on the journey. Met, and eventually left, sad in the little bit of spread, hated the encounter, because only the scars of encounters.ed hardyInitially refused to meet with every no. Network and who have forgotten who the real? Quiet soul hidden in the network and try to silence, and text relative to a half, I text with my handwriting, so to express their feelings, or hi, or sad in the network space silently beating. Has always been a quiet space, silent heart, but because I do not know, or straying into the entry of a person who deliberately broke the tranquility of its original. Passing through a person’s sentence and a sentence rumors warm greetings to all the truth I moved. I also gradually through someone else’s space and stay in someone else’s words, and then, and they pass by.
It turned out that people pass by moments can also be moved, could be so beautiful. Network and the reality that there are also pass by the moment, played out every day together and parting. Meet beautiful, in fact, not parting must bewow goldvery hurt. Pass by to bless each one of the most soulful, lightweight smile, make people more peace of mind to leave off their own lives. Memories there will be no less regret. Hide parting, smiled and waved goodbye. There is no one way to change, Only to leave early and late nike jordan shoes departure is different. Every day new life at birth, every day, the network has a new influx, finally, I will leave, you will leave, and the rookie willed hardy shoescontinue to be a place to stay in our Taguo leave.
Leave, Escape the fate, No tears unless, Unless waved with a smile, Let our own eyes will always be happy. Sleep time, still no sleep, before lying inugg handbagsbed reading a unique skill of hypnosis is also useless. Souls have been dead, is alive residual body. On this fall night, gingerly, still unable to take care of themselves. I never liked the wine at the moment is so eager to have wine, “why bereavement, only Doukan.” If possession of Dukang here, choking under drink I suppose there will be no worry and depression,cheap wow goldmood sleep; only the here and now, without a sigh; Loumen locked Maizui nowhere.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 232
  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-31
  • 更新时间: 2009-12-31


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