‘Fingerprint’ scanners streamline bookkeeping, lunch linesNew technology is being used in the Summit Public Schools
DVD Ripperschool
Fingerprint access controlcafeterias to streamline bookkeeping and to move students more efficiently through the “lunch line.”
Cafeteria service in the Summit Public Schools is contracted to Pomptonian Food Services, which manages the cafeterias in Summit.
An automated Food Service Point of Sale (POS) program has been operating at the cafeterias in Summit High School and Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School since May and September of 2008 respectively. At the high school, students swipe their student ID cards at the cafeteria’s cashier stations. The status of the students’ pre-paid cafeteria account is then accessible to the cashiers. At the middle school, students enter an assigned PIN number. Parents can pre-pay for and manage their children’s’ cafeteria accounts through their home computers.
The automated POS food service systems have been operating with great success at our high school and middle school. They allow for better accounting, the ability for parents to manage their child’s account from home, and for streamlining of paperwork. In addition, cashless transactions
Fingerprint access controlhave reduced the time the students spend on line at the cafeteria.
The final phase of the automated POS program is now being completed at the district’s five elementary schools. So far, Brayton, Franklin and Jefferson schools have been automated, with plans to implement automation at Washington during the last week in April and Lincoln Hubbard soon thereafter. The staggered implementation has allowed for proper training of cashiers at each school.
Biometric scanning devices, which read pre-scanned “algorithms” of a student’s finger tip, are being used at the elementary schools. This is allows programming of a detailed sequence of actions to perform. or accomplish the recognition task for identification of the student.
Based on the information provided to the district by CC Productions — a full-featured, hospitality point-of-sale system solution provider and the approved dealer of POSitouch and QSP software in the Northeast — it was apparent that the POSitouch technology would provide
DVD Ripperthe ease of
Fingerprint access controloperation for younger elementary students and therefore emerged as the top choice among principals.