Nobody knows what he was doing

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-22 23:35:20

Nobody knows what he was doingThe farrier,a small man with alinear actuatorsharp face,always enjoyed disagreeingChina Hydraulic cylinderwith the butcher.‘Mr Godfrey marry Miss Nancy!’he laughed.‘That's what you think!Haven't you noticed how Miss Nancy has changed towards Godfrey since last year?You remember,he was away from home,for days and days.Nobody knows what he was doing,but Godfrey hasn't been the same since then.Miss Nancy isn't stupid—she won't marry a man she can't trust!’

The landlord always tried to prevent his customers from ar-guing.‘What you all say is very true.But let's hope that Mr Godfrey doesn't lose his chance of marrying Miss Nancy.’

Meanwhile,at the Red House,Godfrey Cass was waiting for his brother in the sitting-room,with a very worried expression on his handsome face.Soon the door opened,and aChina Hydraulic cylinderheavy-look-ing young man entered.It was Dunstan.He had clearly been drinking.

‘How I hate him!'thought Godfrey.

‘Well,sir,'said Dunstan unpleasantly,‘you sent for me,and as you're the oldest,and you'll be the Squire one day,I have to obey you.So what do you want?’

‘Just listen,will you?'replied Godfrey angrily,‘if you aren't too drunk to understand!You must pay me back the money I lent you last month.You know I got it from Fowler,of Church Farm.He owed the money to the Squire,and asked me to givelinear actuatorit to him.Now the Squire is angry withChina Hydraulic cylinderFowler for not paying,and I've got to give the money back!’

TAG: 生活





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 2126
  • 日志数: 115
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-06-21


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