These things could be favorite bands

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-26 11:26:40

These things could be favorite bands Ms. Sigurdardottir said that with European Union membership, Iceland, Artificial pumpkins“the first Artificial pumpkins country to have an economic crisis on this scale,” would also be the first to emerge. But she also said how “difficult” it would be to meet the demand from the International Monetary Fund for a one-third cut in the government’s annual budget within three years — one of the terms of a $2.1 billion emergency loan that helped keep Iceland afloat, together with $3.1 billion in loans from other Nordic countries, after the country’s three biggest banks collapsed and were nationalized last fall.

A cut of that severity in the government’s expenses, the prime minister said, would be hard to make while protecting the unemployed, pensioners and other underprivileged groups — precisely the constituency Ms. Sigurdardottir, the daughter of a prominent labor leader, made her own during her years as the country’s minister of social affairs. She hinted that the I.M.F. terms might be eased or offset by European Union assistance once Iceland was able to show Artificial pumpkins it was committed to stabilizing its economy and paying its debts.

This week, Facebook introduced the “open graph,” a giant expansion of the “social graph” concept on which Facebook is built. The word “open” alone should be a tip-off that there are significant new privacy issues to weigh.

In the open graph, Facebook sees us as connected not just to other people – our friends — on Facebook, but to myriad things all over the Web. These things could be favorite bands, news outlets or restaurants.

In the meantime, she said, the act of applying for European Union membership would create new confidence in Iceland abroad, helping to speed economic recovery.

Commentators in Iceland have given high ratings to Ms. Sigurdardottir’s performance in her 80 days in office, and in the election campaign, saying she has steadied the country’s faltering self-confidence in the wake of the banking collapse and turbulent January street protests, the first political violence Artificial pumpkinsin Iceland since Artificial pumpkins protests over the country’s decision to join NATO in 1949.

TAG: 生活





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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