Only a Few Can Multitask

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-15 06:58:24

Only a Few Can MultitaskScientists have known for decades thatenergy saving lampthe human brainState Flagshas trouble simultaneously processing more than one stream of information. A growing body of more recent research has reinforced the notion there are serious cognitive challenges posed by various kinds of multitasking.

But a few brains may do better than others. That is the finding of a new study from the University of Utah where researchers say they’ve discovered a class of so-called supertaskers.

The researchers found that about 2.5 percent of the college students they studied were able to simultaneously talk on the phone while navigating in a driving simulator. By comparison, the other students in the study saw their driving performance fall 20 to 30 percent, according to David Strayer, a psychology professor involved in the study.

By comparison, the supertaskers “were completely unimpaired,” Mr. Strayer said. The study called them “rare but intriguing individuals with extraordinary multitasking ability.”

Mr. Strayer said the next step in the research would entail usingState Flagsscanners to take images of the brains of the supertaskers. The researchers want to see if the more capable multitaskers use their brains differently, rely on different parts of their brains or even have different neurochemical experiences that might explain their abilities.

In the meantime, Mr. Strayer and the researchers say most people should not expect to successfully supertask. And they absolutely should not try to do so behind the wheel of a car because, he said, they face significantly inflated crash risk.

“Some readers may also be wondering if they too are supertaskers,” said the paper by Mr. Strayer and his colleague, Jason Watson. “We suggest theState Flagsodds of thisenergy saving lampare against them.”

TAG: 生活





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  • 更新时间: 2010-06-21


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