Priest Equipment Guide - tiffany jewelry

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Equipment Stats

While you are leveling or running end game instances, which stats are important for your chosen spec is one of the biggest things you need to know. While all specs of Priest value several stats, the importance of these stats varies from spec to spec. Knowing your spec and what stats are good for that spec can’t be stressed enough. For example a Shadow Priest taking gear with tons of Intellect and Spirit. will not only be hurting themselves, they will probably be taking gear from another class/spec that can use it much more effectively.

Now a quick look at what stats arecheap wow gold best for each spec (most important will be listed first and so on):

 Shadow - Spellpower, +Hit , Haste, Crit

 Discipline - Crit, Spellpower, Haste, Intellect, Spirit, MP5

 Holy - Spirit, Spellpower, Intellect, Haste, Crit,wow gold, MP5

Keep in mind that some of these stats drop off the list once a certain percentage is reached. Hit (11%) for Shadow Priests, and Haste for Holy (12-14%) and Disc (11%) and Shadow (10-11%) Priests. However, until these caps are reached this stats ais very,cheap wow gold, very important. For this reason be sure when getting new gear that you stick close to cap on all of these stats.


As you pick up more and more gear you will find some of the pieces will have gem slots in them. Gemming correctly will help improve your performance. You will find there are plenty of gems to suit your needs of almost every color.  Below is a list of gems commonly used by Priests:

Rare Quality Gems

[Runed Scarlet Ruby]

[Sparkling Sky Sapphire]

[Brilliant Autumn’s Glow]
[Quick Autumn’s Glow]
[Purified Twilight Opal]

[Royal Twilight Opal]
[Misty Forest Emerald]

[Seer’s Forest Emerald]
[Intricate Forest Emerald]

[Reckless Monarch Topaz]
[Luminous Monarch Topaz]
[Potent Monarch Topaz]

Epic Qualitytiffany jewelry Gems

[Runed Cardinal Ruby]

[Brillant King’s Amber]
[Quick King’s Amber]
[Rigid King’s Amber]
[Smooth King’s Amber]

[Sparkling Majestic Zircon]

[Luminous Ametrine]
[Potent Ametrine]
[Reckless Ametrine]
[Veiled Ametrine]

[Dazzling Eye of Zul]
[Forceful Eye of Zul
[Intricate Eye of Zul]
[Jagged Eye of Zul}
{Lambent Eye of Zul]
[Misty Eye of Zul]
[Radiant Eye of Zul]
[Seer’s Eye of Zul]
[Shattered Eye of Zul]
[Shining Eye of Zul]
[Tense Eye of Zul]
[Timeless Eye of Zul]

[Glowing Dreadstone]
[Mysterious Dreadstone]
[Purified Dreadstone]
[Royal Dreadstone]


[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]
[Bracing Earthsiege Diamond]
[Chaotic Skyfire Diamond] - (Shadow Priests only)
[Ember Skyflare Diamond]
[Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond]

Keep in mind while gemming your gear the stats that are important to your spec (listed above), gem for these stats, and avoid the stats that you know are useless for you (such as MP5) unless attempting to meet a socket bonus. Epic quality gems should be used whenever possible, however Rare quality will suffice for gear that will be replaced quickly, or for those who really cannot afford Epic quality. Never ever use Green quality gems.



Head - Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
Shoulder - Greater Inscription of the Storm/Master’s Insciption of the Storm
Back - Greater Speed/Springy Arachnoweave/Lightweave Embrodery
Chest - Powerful Stats
Wrist - Superior Spellpower/Fur Lining - Spell Power
Hands - Exceptional Spellpower/Hyperspeed Accelerators
Waist - Eternal Belt Buckle
Legs - Brilliant Spellthread
Feet - Icewalker/Nitro Boots
Weapon - Greater Spell Power/Mighty Spell Power

 Disc/  Holy

Head: - Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
Shoulders - Greater Inscriptiontiffany of the Crag/Greater Inscription of the Storm
Cloak - Wisdom/Haste
Chest - Powerful Stats
Bracers - Superior Spellpower
Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower
Legs - Brilliant Spellthread/Sapphire Spellthread
Boots - Tuskarr’s Vitality/Greater Spirit
Weapon - Mighty Spellpower/Exceptional Intellect/Exceptional Spirit

TAG: cheap gold jewelr tiffany wow





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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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