Easy Gold Guide Alliance - cheap wow gold

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-04 12:35:33 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

First off, this is HORDE only and is geared to the levels 36-44! I devised this when I hit level 39, and realised 'Damn I spent toobuy wow gold ,cheap wow gold;much, I will never afford the mount in time!'. I only had 17 gold and I needed to get 90g for my mount by level 40. It took me Level 39 to 5 bars into level 40 to get all the money. I figured out various tactics to make the money, so here they are!

1.Rock Elementals

I racked in a good 8g from this. I simply went to the Badlands and went to the camp at the north west and to the east there are level 37-40 rock elementals. This is pure grinding folks,buy wow gold, you simply kill them and keep the items they drop. Vendor everything but the 'Solid Stone', 'Deeprock Salt' and the 'Elemental Earth' because at the AH you can make a much larger profit. This is a real good place to grind.

2.Scarlet Monastery

This is the king of money making. Get a level 60 friend to run the armory and library over and over (Cathedral if you get 2 high levels) andwow gold keep the loot and cash. A run with friends that give you all loot and the cash they earned at end ranges from 7-11 gold. Another way is to just run it with a normal group,wow gold, the loot isn't as good but each FULL run of every part of the instance gets you at least 3g (And a whole lot of exp!). The ultimate grind place for cash is the graveyard in Scarlet Monastery. If you can get yourself past the elite bad guys in the beginning, and into the graveyard proper, the Forsaken Spirits drop from 1 to 8 silver, along with greys and the occasional green, and they're Levels 30-32 non-elites. They come in packs of three, and a rogue has little to no problems taking them down hard and fast.

3.Stranglethorn Vale
STV is gank city, but it isn't as bad as people tell. Just head to the north east and farm the Adventure Co. Geologists. They drop a lot of cheap wow gold that can be sent to the AH and drop quite a few greens this is great for money, but it gets old fast, doing this for too long can drive you mad! Another good spot is the murlocs, they always have chests all around and are easy to kill. They have low def and don't hit hard so you can take a good 3-4 of em down without resting! These guys always drop 1-3 silver which is pretty good if you ask me.

!!!Gold prices may vary by server population and tmie of day!!

TAG: buy cheap gold wow





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 3567
  • 日志数: 82
  • 建立时间: 2009-12-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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