Children's Week Guide | buy wow gold

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Children’s Week runs for exactly one week - this year it runs from May 2nd to May 9th - and highlights the biggest victims of thecheap wow gold ongoing war in Azeroth: the children. There are a few major questlines that are available which have you taking an orphan out on an adventure, showing them the world, and then returning them back home to the orphanage. The rewards players can earn during the event include some of the better looking non-combat pets out there, achievements, and even a nifty title.

Achievement Walkthrough
The following achievements count toward ‘For The Children’ unless otherwise noted, which counts for ‘What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been’.

Aw, Isn’t It Cute?: Simply choose one of the non-combat pet rewards after doing one of the quest chains below.
Bad Example: You must eat different flavors of ice cream while your orphan is out. The Red Velvet Cupcake, Lovely Cake Slice, Dalaran Brownie, and Dalaran Doughnut are sold by Aimee in Dalaran. The Tasty Cupcake and Delicious Chocolate Cake are crafted by cooks. The ice cream is sold by various vendors, try Matron Tikkit the Horde innkeeper in Nagrand or Caregiver Isel, the Alliance innkeeper in Nagrand or from the seasonal vendors in the capital cities.

Daily Chores: You need to do 5 daily quests with your orphan out. Easy as pie. Do five tournament daily quests and then fly back to the tournament. Summon your orphan as you turn them in.

Hail To The King Baby: Queue up for Utgarde Pinnacle, normal or heroic, and summon your orphan before you fight King Ymiron.
Home Alone: Use your hearthstone with your orphan out.

The Pets Available

Alliance Questlines
Stormwind Orphan – Randis (Level 10 Requirement)

You need to speak to Orphan Matron Nightingale in the Cathedral Square and accept ‘Children’s Week.’ Use the ‘Human Orphan Whistle’ to summon your orphan and accept all three quests that it offers. Go to the following locations, summon your orphan, then turn the quests in.

Begin by making your way to Shattrath City and speaking to Orphan Matron Mercy who will give you your orphan whistle who will summon Dornaa.

Time to Visit the Caverns: Go to the Caverns of Time (there is a portal in Dalaran for quick access) and summonbuy wow gold her in front of Zaldormu. Then buy her a Toy Dragon from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster.

Down at the Docks: You’ll need to go to the Ratchet docks in The Barrens and summon your orphan. If the Steemwheedle Cartel hates you then simply summon the orphan under the docks.
Gateway to the Frontier: Go to the Mor’shan Rampart at the very northern part of The Barrens and summon your orphan.
Lordaeron Throne Room: Go to the Throne Room in the Undercity and summon your Orphan.
Two more quests await you after you have finished the first three.

Visit the Throne of Elements: Go to Nagrand and visit the Throne of the Elements (60,22) and summon your orphan.
A Trip to the Dark Portal: Go to the Stair of Destiny (the Dark Portal or the entrance to Outland) in Hellfire Peninsula. Summon your orphan and the quest will complete.

Back to the Orphanage: Return to the Orphanage in Shattrath City and collect your reward, Egbert’s Egg, Elekk Training Collar, or Sleepy Willy. You can repeat this each year until you have all three pets.
Dalaran (Neutral Quests) (Requires Level 70)
You can pick up one of two orphans in Dalaran no matter what faction you belong to. The quests are very simple and involve visiting different places in Northrend. You have a choice of either helping the Oracles or the Wolvar. Don’t worry though, you can do the other quest line next year.

A Trip To The Wonderworks: Return to Dalaran and buy a Small Paper Zeppelin from the Wonderworks in Dalaran. Use it with your orphan and the quest will complete.
Back To The Orphanage: Return to the Orphan Matron Aria for your Curious Oracle Hatchling and the quest complete.

The Bronze Dragonshrine: Summon your orphan in the Bronze Dragonshrine in Dragonblight.
The Dragon Queen: Summon your orphan on top of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.

A Trip To The Wonderworks: Return to Dalaran and buy a Small Paper Zeppelin from the Wonderworks in Dalaran. Use it with yourbuy wow gold orphan and the quest will complete.
Back To The Orphanage: Return to the Orphan Matron Aria for your Curious Wolvar Pup and the quest complete.
Well that’s it for this holiday! Come to the Ten Ton Hammer forums if you have any questions and we’ll do our best to help.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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